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iRubric: Disability Friendliness Research Project rubric

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Disability Friendliness Research Project 
Evaluation of a research project on whether or not the school campus provides an atmosphere that accommodates those with disabilities.
Rubric Code: MX495C
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Public Rubric
Subject: Social Sciences  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Paper component

3 pts


2 pts


1 pts

Observational Section
Met hourly requirements, plus teamwork
Observation Hours
5 %

Reflects whether or not team as a whole met requirements and that all members contributed


Team meets total number of hours of required observation based on team size (5 hours per person)

Team total observation time is short 1 - 5 hours or 1 team member failed to complete 5 hours

Team total observation time is more than 5 hours short or more than 1 team member failed to complete 5 hours.
Survey Section
Mechanics, quality, teamwork
Survey Question Numbers
5 %

Reflects whether or not team as a whole meets requirements and that all members contribute fairly


Group's surveys meet or exceed required number of survey questions (5 - 8); all team members collected 5 or more interviews/surveys each

Group's surveys include minimum number of questions on survey of 5 - 8; but one member of team did not collect required number of surveys

Group's surveys did not include minimum number of questions; or 2 or more team members did not collect required number of surveys
Required demographics
5 %

Includes required demographics in interviews


Group's surveys include all required basic demographics: age, race, religion, disability in family member, disability in self

Surveys are missing one demographic item

Surveys are missing 2 or more demographic items
Thoroughness of research methods
5 %

Collects required number of surveys, valid and reliable measures, meaningful data collation


Group collected all required data, created measures that covered the material well, and collated the data in a clear and meaningful manner; included tests of reliability and validity when gathering survey or observational data

Group collected all or almost all required data; created measures that covered the material well or reasonably well; and collated the data in a reasonably clear and meaningful manner, or with only 1 - 2 minor areas of error, or one major area of confusion; did consider validity and/or reliability issues when gathering survey or observational data

Group did not collect all the required data; or there were three or more minor errors, or two or more major errors, in creating measures that cover the material fairly well, or collating the data in a reasonably understandable manner; group did not consider validity or reliability issues when gathering data.
Critical Thinking
This corresponds to the quality element of your paper and presentation, but is related to clarity as well
Comprehension/Application Skills
12 %

Shown throughout paper, but esp. in "Statement of Purpose" section. I am evaluating your ability to clearly identify and describe sociological concepts and theory, and to apply them in social research, moving from theory to data.


Correctly identifies and defines 3 or more sociological concepts or theories; correctly discusses how one or more of these concepts or theories could justify or explain the need for this research study.

Cites only 1 - 2 sociological concepts or theories throughout paper, but correctly discusses how one or both of these concepts or theories could justify or explain the need for this research study.

Does not clearly identify any sociological concepts or theories; or misnames or misidentifies a concept or theory; or fails to incorporate any sociological concepts or theories into the statement of purpose section; or it appears from the points and/or evidence presented that team members have misunderstood or misapplied 1 or more concepts, theories, or other course materials.
Analysis and Synthesis Skills
13 %

You will show this largely in your "Discussion of Methods" and "Findings and Conclusions" sections. For this element I am evaluating your capacity to utilize your sociological imagination in interpreting your findings and moving from data back to theory.


Correctly applies one or more concepts or theories to explain or justify the manner in which the team analyzed their data or interpreted their findings. Team included a critique of their methodology.

Applies one or more concepts or theories to explain or justify the manner in which the team analyzed their data or interpreted their findings, but with 1 - 2 minor errors. Team included a critique of their methodology, which may have included 1 -2 minor errors in logic or interpretation. Total errors no more than 3.

Does not utilize sociological concepts in discussions of data analysis or interpretation of findings; or has 2 or more minor errors, or 1 major error, in application of concepts or theories. Team either failed to include a critique of their methodology, or it included 2 or more minor errors, or 1 major error, in logic or interpretation. Total errors (major + minor) no more than 3.
Synthesis/Evaluation Skills
15 %

This component will appear largely in your "Findings and Conclusions" section. I will be looking for evidence of your capacity to summarize your research findings, integrate them with sociological concepts and theory, interpret their significance, and make judgments (again, ideally relating to or drawing upon sociological theory or concepts) regarding needed changes based on your conclusions.


Includes references to both data collected and sociological concepts/theories in drawing conclusions regarding meaning of findings; conclusions logically follow from the data; is able to make inferences based on data regarding whether or not additional changes/support of disabled are needed on campus.

Includes references to both data collected and sociological concepts/theories in drawing conclusions regarding meaning of findings, but conclusions are not necessarily consistent with or do not follow from the data; or there is little evidence of inferences based on data regarding whether or not additional changes/support of disabled are needed on campus.

Team states opinion only and/or fails to cite evidence collected or sociological theory/concepts in drawing conclusions. Conclusions are unclear regarding the meaning of findings or do not flow clearly from the data. Few or no inferences made regarding need for additional support for disabled on campus.
This includes clarity, proper citation, organization, completeness, and lack of grammar, spelling, syntax, and similar errors
Clarity and Cohesion of writing
10 %


Author's points are clearly outlined and presented, and flow in a logical order. Paper is well organized.

Author makes good points, but these are not presented in a clearly outlined or logically flowing manner. Topics jump without clear sequence.

Points are difficult to find and/or follow. Little to no logical order evident.
Completeness of paper
15 %


Includes Statement of Purpose, Discussion of Methods, Discussion of Demographics, and Conclusions with Suggestions for Improvement if needed; each section is clearly identified and discusses the appropriate topics

Missing one of required five sections of Statement of Purpose, Discussion of Methods, Discussion of Demographics, and Conclusions with Suggestions for Improvement if needed; or 1 - 2 sections are not clearly identified and/or fail to discuss the appropriate topics

Missing two or more of required five sections of Statement of Purpose, Discussion of Methods, Discussion of Demographics, and Conclusions with Suggestions for Improvement if needed; or 3 or more sections are not clearly identified and/or fail to discuss the appropriate topics
Grammar, Spelling, and Syntax
7 %


There are 2 or fewer errors in grammar, spelling, or syntax.

There are 3 - 6 errors in grammar, spelling, or syntax.

There are 7 or more errors in grammar, spelling, or syntax.
Proper citation of sources
3 %


All sources are properly cited in the body of the text and the bibliography. Quotes are used correctly and style used is consistent.

1 - 4 of the following errors: Sources are improperly cited in either the body of the text or the bibliography, or there are errors in one or both areas. Quotes may be omitted and/or style may be inappropriate or inconsistent.

5 or more of the following errors: Sources are improperly cited in either the body of the text or the bibliography, or there are errors in one or both areas. Quotes may be omitted and/or style may be inappropriate or inconsistent.
Submitted all required components
5 %


1. hard copy of paper 2. online copy of paper 3. all copies of data collected 4. all time logs 5. DVD or CD copies of Powerpoint if used 6. copies of all tables, charts, and visual aids

Missing one element.

Missing two or more elements.

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