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iRubric: Economic Systems of the World Google SlidesPresentation rubric

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Economic Systems of the World Google SlidesPresentation 
Deliver a Google Slide presentation that communicates your research findings to the rest of the class.
Rubric Code: MX3BW2A
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Public Rubric
Subject: Social Sciences  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Google Slides

4 pts

Meets the standard

3 pts

Partially meets

2 pts

Does not meet

1 pts

Technology Requirements


All requirements are exceeded. My slides show a sophistication or insight and are accurate. The information shows a deep understanding of economic systems and the system my country uses.
Meets the standard

All requirements are present and accurate. It's obvious I have learned about my country and it's economic system.
Partially meets

One requirement was missing or vague. It's not clear that I really understood how to transform my research into a presentation.
Does not meet

More than one requirement was missing or vague. It is pretty obvious that I didn't use my time wisely.
Aesthetic Value


I went above and beyond to make my Google Slides informative, yet interesting and pleasing to the eye. The slides are full, but beautifully done to present my country's economic system.
Meets the standard

I showed some good information regarding my country. The slideshow was very well done and shows a good collection of information about my country's economic system.
Partially meets

My pages were a little bare and lacking in something. Perhaps I needed more photos or information. I did a good job.
Does not meet

I did not spend as much time on my Google Slides as I should have. It really shows.


Well-rehearsed with smooth delivery. I held my audience's attention by reading some of the slides and sharing extra information not on the slides. I didn't need to look at my slides very much.
Meets the standard

I rehearsed and was fairly smooth with my delivery. I think I held my audience's attention. My eye contact was pretty good.
Partially meets

I tried to be smooth in my delivery, but I should have practiced more. I read a lot from my slides and didn't look at my audience enough.
Does not meet

I was not smooth. I did not hold my audience's attention.


I made excellent use of the font, color, graphics and effects to enhance my presentation. My slides were unique. The layout I chose enhanced the representation of my country.
Meets the standard

I made good use of font, color, graphics, and effects to enhance my presentation. The art work looked pretty good.
Partially meets

I made use of the font, color, graphics, effects, but occasionally my slides were distracting.
Does not meet

I didn't make good use of the fonts, colors, graphics, effects and my slides were generally generic or too busy. Perhaps I should have chosen a different layout for my keynote.


These are my own words. You can't find a spelling error or grammatical mistake! It is obvious I proofread.
Meets the standard

I used my own words.
There may be one or two typos but almost every slide is perfect. All my basic spelling words are correct or I used correct punctuation.
Partially meets

I used my own words, but, I should have proofread more closely. There may be several misspellings and/or grammatical mistakes. I may have forgotten to capitalize.
Does not meet

I used my own words.
Were we supposed to proofread?

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