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iRubric: StoryBoard rubric

iRubric: StoryBoard rubric

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Rubric to assess the storyboard created for a video production
Rubric Code: MX3A72W
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Public Rubric
Subject: Communication  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric StoryBoard
Rubric to Assess the quality of a StoryBoard

1 pts


2 pts


3 pts


4 pts


5 pts


Title of Movie
Created by...
Goal Statement
Cast of Characters ( Names and/or identifying characteristics )
Necessary Props identified (list)
Identified Chosen Media to be used


NONE OR Only ONE of the Required elements is included on the storyboard. Text if present is scrambled and unorganized. Essential information is Missing, NO Goal statement is included. No Indication of Media to used to create animation.

MISSING some of the required elements, Text is present but not organized. Characters are Listed but NOT Named or Accurately Described. Some of the Essential Props used by Characters or in scenes are missing. Media Choice is NOT indicated
Goal statement is MISSING Target Audience and/or fails to clearly articulate message to be communicated through the video production.

ALL required elements are included, in clear organized text. Characters are Named but NOT Described. Some Props used by Characters or in scenes are Missing or NOT described. Choice of Media is indicated.
Goal statement includes Target Audience but is NOT clearly articulated

ALL required elements are included, in clear organized text. Characters are Named & Accurately Described. Essential Props used by Characters or in scenes are listed and described ( if necessary ) Choice of Media is indicated.
Goal statement includes Target Audience and is concise and clearly articulated

Timing ( Pace, Varied, Appropriate )


Little or NO Evidence that any Thought ( Planning ) occurred. Storyboard is UnOrganized and Non-Sequential. Timing of segments is either erratic with no purpose or inappropriately too long or too short becoming a distraction. No Time Stamps are included.
Elements in scenes are inconsistent creating visual distraction or confusion.

Minimal Thought ( Planning ) occurred. Storyboard is UnOrganized and often Non-Sequential. Timing of segments has little or NO variation or inappropriately too long or too short becoming a distraction. Time stamps are included but are obviously just written to fulfill a requirement.
Elements in scenes are inconsistent creating visual distraction or confusion.

Storyboard is Organized and Sequential pacing is sometimes erratic. Some Timing Variation of segments is included although not always appropriate for scene; indicators ( Time Stamps ) are included that provide guidance & demonstrate thought. Elements in scenes are consistent

Storyboard is Organized and Sequential with an appropriate pacing that advances the story. Timing of segments is varied and appropriate for the scene; indicators ( Time Stamps ) are included that provide guidance for filming/editing & demonstrate thought. Elements in scenes are consistent
Camera Planning / Framing

Camera Angles ( Point of View )
Close Ups
Zoom ( In-Out)
Framing ( Subject Placement, Including necessary elements )


Storyboard Demonstrates NO Understanding of the relationship between camera placement & operations and their influence on scenes being filmed.
There is NO indication that camera angles or functions were planned or taken into consideration when creating the video production. In multiple instances, elements important to the scene are missing.

Storyboard Demonstrates Minimal Understanding of the relationship between camera placement & operations and their influence on scenes being filmed.
Most scenes are filmed from the SAME Point of View and there are few functions planned or taken into consideration when creating the video production. In some cases elements important to the scene are missing.

Storyboard demonstrates some understanding of the camera's influence on scenes being filmed. There is some variation of Camera angles and placements. Some chosen techniques fail to complement and add interest to the scene. Some Camera functions ( zoom, pan, etc.. ) are planned for appropriate scenes. Subjects are always framed properly and include all necessary elements of the scene.

Storyboard demonstrates understanding of the relationship between camera placement & operations and their influence on scenes being filmed. Camera angles and placements are varied and both complement and add interest to the scene. Camera functions ( zoom, pan, etc.. ) are planned for appropriate scenes. Subjects are always framed properly and include all necessary elements of the scene.

Plot ( Clear, Original )
Adheres to Goal Statement
Appropriate for Targeted Audience


There seems to be NO discernible plot. Story appears to be unrelated scenes with no Beginning, Middle, End continuity. Ideas are not communicated and there appears to be NO clear message. Goal statement was NOT adhered to or was poorly written.

There is some semblance of a Plot, but it Fails to Communicate a Clear Message. Story generally adheres to the Goal Statement, but lacks Originality or Creativity. Scenes seem to depict a Beginning, Middle and End but have glaring omissions creating distracting gaps which hinder the advancement of the story. Some material is InAppropriate for the targeted Audience.

There is a discernible Plot which Communicates a Clear Message that generally adheres to the Goal Statement, but lacks Originality or Creativity. There is a clearly Identifiable Beginning, Middle & End to the story. ALL material is Appropriate for the targeted Audience.

There is a very discernible Plot which is Original, Creative, and Communicates a Clear Message that adheres to the Goal Statement. There is a clearly Identifiable Beginning, Middle & End to the story. ALL material is Appropriate for the targeted Audience.
Settings (BkGrounds) & Captions

Settings for all major moments of the story are clearly identified & sufficiently described
Caption text below keyframes is legible and provides Any & ALL additional relevant information.


Multiple Settings for moments of the story are obviously MISSING or Insufficiently described
There is NO Caption text below or within keyframes; Text is NOT legible, and/or DOES NOT provides relevant information.

Settings are implied but MISSING for all major moments of the story; OR are NOT sufficiently described
Caption text below or within keyframes is legible but minimal.

Settings for all major moments of the story are included but NOT clearly identified or sufficiently described
Caption text below or within keyframes is legible but could provide additional relevant information.

Settings for all major moments of the story are clearly identified & sufficiently described
Caption text below or within keyframes is legible and provides Any & ALL additional relevant information.


Characters are not identified and their Dialog, Actions, and Emotions have NO Clear relationship to the story. Viewers can not determine any specific traits associated with the Characters.

Most of the characters are Identified and their Dialog, Actions, and Emotions are somewhat developed throughout the story. Viewers have difficulty determining some specific character traits. Some Characters have No specific roles within the story.

ALL characters are Identified and their Dialog, Actions, and Emotions are somewhat developed throughout the story. Viewers can determine some specific character traits. All Characters fill specific roles within the story.

ALL characters are clearly Identified and their Dialog, Actions, and Emotions are
consistently developed throughout the story, so that Viewers can determine specific character traits. All Characters fill specific roles within the story.
Clarity & Neatness


StoryBoard is unorganized, too small to see or too large to fit. Text is sloppy and often un-readable. View representations are sloppy and difficult to understand. Paper is dirty, has multiple smudges, smears, and/or wrinkles/folds. Final Image is difficult to discern and confusing to viewers.

Storyboard is somewhat organized & fits on paper, but could me made larger or smaller for clarity. View representations are sloppy and difficult to understand. Text is sloppy but readable. Paper has multiple erasures, and has been folded in half.

Effort is displayed in the Organization, Layout, & Clarity of the StoryBoard. View representations are large enough for clarity, yet could be more appropriately sized for the space available. Printed text is legible & easily read. There are No visible Erasures, Smudges, or Smears, AND Paper has NOT been Folded, Creased or Wrinkled.

Obvious effort is displayed in the Organization, Layout, & Clarity of the StoryBoard. View representations are large enough for clarity, yet No portion of storyboard or required information Touches or Extends off of the paper edge. Printed text is legible & easily read. There are No visible Erasures, Smudges, or Smears, AND Paper has NOT been Folded, Creased or Wrinkled.

  • storyboard video keyframe



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