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iRubric: Literature Cirlces rubric

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This rubric will help students self evaluate their progress towards deep conversations about texts using academic conversation prompts.
Rubric Code: M7CBW5
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Conversations about texts
  No Stars

If you are rating yourself here have a conference with a teacher or seek help from your peers.

0 pts

One Star *

You've made a start, you're on the way. What next?

1 pts

Two Stars **

Wow! You're reaching a good standard. Look at the three star and think what next?

2 pts

Three Star ***

this is a high standard. Time to negotiate some more complex learning criteria.

3 pts

Elaborating and Clarifying

Everybody understands and does some of the talking

No Stars

* I don't say anything in the discussion.
One Star *

* I contribute some ideas to the discussion and respond to questions from my peers.
Two Stars **

* I can elaborate and clarify my ideas.

* I sometimes ask questions to seek clarification or elaboration.
Three Star ***

* I encourage others to talk and elaborate on their ideas.

* I ask questions that encourage elaboration and clarification of ideas.

* I remember and use the conversation prompts.
* I use a wide range of language for elaborating and clarifying.
Referring to the Text

Return to the text for examples

No Stars

* I didn't return to the text to support my ideas.
One Star *

* I referred to one part of the text to support a discussion ideas.

* I was able to use directly stated information from the text.
Two Stars **

* I referred back to the text to support my ideas.

* I used use directly stated information from the text to support my ideas.

* I sometimes use context clues and prior knowledge together to interpret the text. (make inference)
Three Star ***

* I use multiple examples from the text to support my ideas.

* I use context clues in the text and my prior knowledge to support my views about the text. (Make inference)

* I use directly stated information in the text to support my ideas.

* I look for, think about and talk about themes, plot and setting in the text.
Maintaining Focus

Discussion with focus

No Stars

* I just talk about anything with thinking about the focus of the conversation.
One Star *

* I keep my conversation and questions on topic.

* I make eye contact with others.
Two Stars **

* I stay on topic by asking thoughtful questions and respond to others ideas thoughtfully.
* I sometimes make connections with my own experience and the text.
Three Star ***

* I encourage others to maintain focus by directing conversation about the text.
* I make connections with my life, other texts or world issues and the text.
* I ask questions that keep the conversation focused.
* I make eye-contact with other speakers and respond with body language such as nodding.
Building on and Challenging Ideas

Respect the person who is talking

No Stars

* I never add to people's ideas.

* I never challenge people's ideas.
One Star *

* I sometimes build upon the ideas of other people.
* I sometimes challenge the ideas of others.
* I listen to others when they are talking.
Two Stars **

*I build upon ideas of others frequently
* I frequently challenge the ideas of other.
* I listen to others respectfully.
Three Star ***

* I question my peers to help them build on ideas.
* I build upon the ideas of my peers.
* I challenge ideas of others respectfully.
* I listen respectfully to others and ask follow up questions.
* I remember and use the conversation prompts.
Asking Questions

Use strategic questioning

No Stars

* I don't ask questions of others.
One Star *

* I ask questions to help me clarify meaning.
Two Stars **

* I ask questions questions using the conversation prompts.
* I ask questions that help others give extra detail.
Three Star ***

* I ask questions that help explore different ideas about the text.
* I ask questions about characters, themes, plot or setting.
* I ask questions that help build build upon ideas.

  • curriculum; reading; literature; text analysis; literature circles


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