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iRubric: Develop a Training Plan rubric

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Develop a Training Plan 
Create a detailed training plan for a specific Scouting topic, including an evaluation of training techniques, methods of communication, and training effectiveness. Your training plan should demonstrate your understanding of instructional design principles and your ability to design a comprehensive and effective training program.
Rubric Code: M24XCB5
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Public Rubric
Subject: Education  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Develop a Training Plan
100 % To assess the ability of a Leader Trainer to create and use an effective training plan

Shows a high level of understanding

4 pts


Shows a solid level of understanding.

3 pts


Shows a basic level of understanding.

2 pts


Does not demonstrate much understanding.

1 pts

Training Technique
30 %

The training plan demonstrates use of instructional techniques that are highly effective in engaging the target audience. The plan incorporates a wide variety of interactive activities, exercises, and methodologies that cater to different learning styles. The training techniques employed are innovative, creative, and facilitate meaningful learning experiences.


- Demonstrates a deep understanding of instructional design principles and incorporates a wide range of innovative and engaging training techniques.
- Utilizes a variety of interactive and participatory activities that cater to different learning styles and preferences.
- Training plan demonstrates creativity and originality in the selection and implementation of training techniques.

- Shows a solid understanding of instructional design principles and includes a good variety of training techniques.
- Utilizes interactive and participatory activities effectively to engage learners.
- Training plan demonstrates a thoughtful approach to the selection and implementation of training techniques.

- Demonstrates a basic understanding of instructional design principles and includes some training techniques.
- Incorporates a few interactive and participatory activities to engage learners.
- Training plan shows potential but may lack variety or creativity in the selection and implementation of training techniques.

- Does not demonstrate an understanding of instructional design principles and does not include appropriate training techniques.
- Fails to engage learners through interactive or participatory activities.
- Training plan is incomplete or lacks significant effort in the selection and implementation of training techniques.
Method of Communication
30 %

The training plan demonstrates clarity in conveying the training content and objectives. The language used is concise, precise, and appropriate for the target audience. Visuals, multimedia elements, or other aids are effectively utilized to enhance understanding and engagement. The communication methods employed facilitate a high level of learner comprehension and active participation.


- Communicates ideas clearly and comprehensively, using language and tone appropriate for the target audience.
- Incorporates visual aids, multimedia, and other communication tools effectively to enhance understanding and engagement.
- Demonstrates exceptional clarity, creativity, and professionalism in the method of communication

- Communicates ideas clearly and effectively, with appropriate language and tone.
- Utilizes visual aids, multimedia, and other communication tools to support understanding and engagement.
- Demonstrates a solid and professional method of communication.

- Communicates ideas with some clarity, but may lack consistency or precision in language and tone.
- Incorporates basic visual aids or multimedia to support understanding and engagement.
- Method of communication shows potential but may require further refinement.

- Communication is unclear, confusing, or inappropriate for the target audience.
- Lacks the use of visual aids, multimedia, or other communication tools to enhance understanding and engagement.
- Method of communication is incomplete or demonstrates significant deficiencies.
Training Effectiveness
40 %

The training plan demonstrates a level of effectiveness in achieving the learning objectives. Clear and measurable learning objectives are defined, aligned with the Scouting topic.


- Clearly defines and articulates measurable learning objectives that align with the training content.
- Designs training activities that are highly effective in achieving the intended learning outcomes.
- Incorporates robust evaluation and assessment methods to measure the effectiveness of the training.

- Defines and articulates measurable learning objectives that align with the training content.
- Designs training activities that are effective in achieving the intended learning outcomes.
- Includes evaluation and assessment methods to measure the effectiveness of the training.

- Defines learning objectives, but they may lack specificity or alignment with the training content.
- Designs training activities that have some potential to achieve the intended learning outcomes.
- Incorporates basic evaluation and assessment methods to measure the effectiveness of the training.

- Fails to define clear and measurable learning objectives that align with the training content.
- Designs training activities that do not effectively contribute to the intended learning outcomes.
- Does not include evaluation or assessment methods to measure the effectiveness of the training.



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