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iRubric: Moon Phases or Eclipses Project Rubric

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Moon Phases or Eclipses Project Rubric 
This is a rubric for grading a student created project on EMS topic
Rubric Code: M24BX49
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Public Rubric
Subject: Science  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Category
  Exceeding Standard

25 pts

Meeting Standards

22 pts

Approaching Standards

17 pts

Below Standards

15 pts

Project Creation

Exceeding Standard

Presents knowledge of concept logically accurately; reflects extensive use of tools in a creative way. Correct number of phases of the Moon or correct order of Earth, Moon, Sun shown.
Meeting Standards

Presents knowledge of concept logically & accurately with good flow. Correct number of phases of the Moon or correct order of Earth, Moon, Sun shown in an interesting way.
Approaching Standards

Presents knowledge of concept with flows. Some tools used to show acceptable understanding. Correct number of phases of the Moon or correct order of Earth, Moon, Sun shown.
Below Standards

Presents knowledge of concept in an unorganized fashion. Lacking in number of phases or Earth, Moon, & Sun are not in correct oder.
Pictures, Graphics & Background*

Exceeding Standard

Images are accurate & appropriate. Layout of images is pleasing to the eye; good mix of text and images
Meeting Standards

Images are accurate appropriate. Layout of images is well balanced with mix of text and images.
Approaching Standards

Most images are appropriate: graphics go well with the text but there are too few and project seems "text heavy"
Below Standards

Images are inaccurate or inappropriate.
Content/Key Concept

Exceeding Standard

Content/Key Concept is accurate and information is presented in logical order
Meeting Standards

Content/Key Concept is accurate but some information is not presented in a logical order, but is still easy to follow
Approaching Standards

Content/Key Concept is accurate by information is not presented in a logical order, making it difficult to follow
Below Standards

Content/Key Concept is questionable and information is not presented in a logical order, making it difficult to follow

Exceeding Standard

No errors are evident after proofreading
Meeting Standards

No more than 2 errors are evident after proofreading
Approaching Standards

No more than 4 errors are evident after proofreading
Below Standards

No more than 5 errors are noted

  • Moon Phases/Eclipses Project

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