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iRubric: Describe, Compare and Create 2D and 3D Shapes Rubric

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Describe, Compare and Create 2D and 3D Shapes Rubric 
Assess knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes, and counting of sides and corners.
Rubric Code: M24B9X8
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Public Rubric
Subject: Math  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: K-5

Powered by iRubric 2D and 3D Shapes Assessment
100 %
  Meets Standard

3 pts

Developing Toward Standard

2 pts

Unable to Demonstrate Standard

1 pts

Name 2D Shapes

Meets Standard

Student can name 6 shapes circle, square, rectangle, diamond, triangle and hexagon.
Developing Toward Standard

Student can name 4 or 5 shapes circle, square, rectangle, diamond, triangle and hexagon.
Unable to Demonstrate Standard

Student can name 3 or fewer shapes circle, square, rectangle, diamond, triangle and hexagon.
Counting Corners and Sides

Meets Standard

Student can count the number of corners and sides on 6 shapes.
Developing Toward Standard

Student can count the number of corners and sides on 4 or 5 shapes.
Unable to Demonstrate Standard

Student can count the number of corners and sides on 3 or fewer shapes.
Name 3-D Shapes

Meets Standard

Student can name 4 shapes cone, sphere, cube, cylinder.
Developing Toward Standard

Student can name 2 or 3 shapes cone, sphere, cube, cylinder.
Unable to Demonstrate Standard

Student can name 0 or 1 shape cone, sphere, cube, cylinder.
Create and Describe 3D Shapes

Meets Standard

Student can create one 3D shape in the environment, draw a picture of it, and write or dictate a description of it.
Developing Toward Standard

Student can do 2 of the following activities: create one 3D shape in the environment, draw a picture of it, and write or dictate a description of it.
Unable to Demonstrate Standard

Student can do 1 or fewer of the following activities: create one 3D shape in the environment, draw a picture of it, and write or dictate a description of it.

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