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iRubric: VEX Group Robotics Rubric

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VEX Group Robotics Rubric 
This rubric will be used to assess the overall design of group of students' robot that is going to be built with VEX Robotics parts. This does not include the sketch or CAD drawing of the robot. This deals with group functionality and project management as pertains to the design of the group's project.

Powered by iRubric Robot Design Rubric

3 pts


2 pts


1 pts

Group Dynamics


Group follows good meeting and teamwork procedures. Discussion remains professional in tone and direction. Discussion proceeds efficiently. Group is able to focus on the relevant aspects of the robot.

Group follows decent meeting and teamwork procedures. Discussion remains professional in tone and direction. For the most part discussion proceeds efficiently. For the most part group focuses on relevant aspect of robot designs.

Group follows few meeting and teamwork procedures. Discussion does not have a professional tone or manner. Discussion does not proceed efficiently. Group rarely focuses on relevant aspects of robot design.
Decision Making


Group members avoid unnecessary “attachment” to their designs that gets in the way of productive discussion. All group member are able to reach consensus.

Group members avoid unnecessary “attachment” to their designs that gets in the way of productive discussion. Most group members are able to reach a consensus.

Group members must keep pieces of their original design which may temporarily halt productive discussion. Few group members reach consensus.
Project Management


Development is in line with timeline submitted in Engineering Notebook. Group member roles and responsibilities are defined and adhered to. Schedule for future re-design is practical and workable.

Development is mostly in line with timeline submitted in Engineering Notebook. Group members have roles and responsibilities which were mostly adhered to. Schedule for future re-design is present and likely practical and workable.

Group members do not abide by timeline that was submitted in Engineering Notebook. Group members do not adhere to clearly defined set of roles and responsibilities. Future re-design is present but may not be in schedule or practical and workable.
Project Progress


Project shows a clear progression beyond the ideation written in Engineering Notebook. Every team member has effectively contributed to development. Decisions show evidence of a thoughtful decision-making process. Group has given appropriate consideration to all aspects of development, including mechanics, programming, and testing.

Project has progressed beyond the ideation written in Engineering Notebook. Most team members have effectively contributed to development. Most decisions show evidence of a thoughtful decision-making process. Group has spent some time considering all aspects of development.

Project has made only fair progression beyond the ideation written in Engineering Notebook. Few team members have effectively contributed to development. Decisions were made without using a decision-making process. Group has spent little time considering all aspects of development.
Future Plans


Group can describe what aspects of design will be worked on next. Group has prioritized remaining tasks to ensure project will be completed on time.

Group can give a general idea of what future aspects of design will look like. Group has prioritized the ideas they have come up with for future design.

Group have very little idea about future aspects of design. Group has no timeline to get future tasks done.



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