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iRubric: Linoleum Block Print rubric

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Linoleum Block Print 
Create a linoleum block that illustrates what is important to you. I want to hear your voice. You have incredibly important things to say and artwork is one avenue that you can portray your thoughts. It doesn’t matter the language you speak, an image can speak across language barriers.

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  Exceeds the Standard

20 pts

Meets the Standard

18 pts

Below the Standard

16 pts


14 pts


Art has the power to drive a movement, affect cultures, tell a story, change the world.

Exceeds the Standard

Student incorporated her own personal artistic style using her voice and expressed her viewpoint clearly, with strength and conviction.
Meets the Standard

Student incorporated her own personal artistic style using her voice and expressed her viewpoint somewhat, but left room for the viewer to wonder where the artist really stands.
Below the Standard

Student incorporates one of the three - (artistic style, voice, and viewpoint). The viewer is left wondering what is the meaning of the artwork.

Student's artistic style, voice, and viewpoint on subject matter are not clear at all. The viewer does not connect with the artist or the artwork.
Design Process

Idea generation is critically important for the direction of someone's art - what part of yourself do you want to portray? Has the student clearly defined that?

Exceeds the Standard

Student engaged fully in the design process, researched multiple aspects of ideation. Did the student create a variety of thumbnail sketches and explore several ideas before settling on a final idea?
Meets the Standard

Student explored few options for ideas, generally "played it safe" with her ideas.
Below the Standard

Student was willing to discuss ideas, but unwilling to take suggestions that would improve or facilitate her artistic process.

Student was unoriginal in her thoughts or ideas for the project. Did not discuss thoughts or ideas. Student was disengaged throughout the project.
Compositional Principles

The design principles can bring a piece all together? Or not! Has the student used them with care?

Exceeds the Standard

Student applies 4 or more design principles (such as contrast, shading, value, balance, texture, juxtaposition, emphasis, proportion, movement, color) with excellent skill.
Meets the Standard

Student applies 2 design principles (such as contrast, shading, value, balance, texture, juxtaposition, emphasis, proportion, movement, color) with average skill.
Below the Standard

Student applies 1 design principles (such as contrast, shading, value, balance, texture, juxtaposition, emphasis, proportion, movement, color) with minimum skill.

Student applies 1 or less design principles (such as contrast, shading, value, balance, texture, juxtaposition, emphasis, proportion, movement, color) without thought or skill.
Craftsmanship & Cleanliness

The project should be neat and clean. As should the area around the student. What about their artwork?

Exceeds the Standard

Student completed artwork purposefully with high level of craftsmanship. The student consistently took care in cleaning their area and the area around them. Student has turned in five completed prints, signed and numbered prints correctly and indicated the best print for framing.
Meets the Standard

Student completes artwork with evidence of basic levels of craftsmanship. The student took care in cleaning their area and the area around them most of the time. Student turned in five adequate prints, signed, numbered prints, and indicated the best print for framing. Student has care in the presentation of the piece, but it could be better.
Below the Standard

Student completes artwork with isolated evidence of craftsmanship. Student turned in five adequate prints, however, had to be reminded often about correct presentation details. Student knows she could do better, but left little time to properly finish. While in the rush to finish, the art area was neglected and left untidy.

Student completes artwork without concern for craftsmanship. Evidence of rushed work. The art area was a total mess.

Project Timeline, Assignment, Project Wrap-up Sheets, Rubric

Exceeds the Standard

Student carries out assignment requirements to completion, has exceeded the expectations of the teacher with thorough explanations in the project wrap-up sheet, and rubric completion. All have been submitted to the teacher on-time.
Meets the Standard

Student completes assignment with basic requirements. The project wrap-up sheet and rubric are completed with clear effort and are submitted to the teacher on-time.
Below the Standard

Student completes assignment adequately. Student has had to be often reminded to stay on-task. The project wrap-up sheet and rubric are completed with little effort. Yet, both wrap-up sheet and rubric are submitted to the teacher on-time.

Student does not complete assignment. The project wrap-up sheet and rubric are not completed nor submitted to the teacher. Care not given in regards to time or effort.

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