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iRubric: Tennis Skills Assessment rubric

iRubric: Tennis Skills Assessment rubric

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Tennis Skills Assessment 
Assessment of the Tennis skills of players
Rubric Code: LXA4696
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Public Rubric
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Tennis Skills
Skill Development
  2.0 Novice

3 pts

2.5 Emerging

3.5 pts

3.0 Intermediate

4 pts

3.5 Challenger

4.5 pts

4.0 Advanced

5 pts

Points Earned


Personal Responsibilities
Characteristics important for the development of character in both practice and competition.
Active Participation

Participates in warm ups, drills, games, consistently.

2.0 Novice

Misses frequently, due to illness or other activities. Cannot be counted on for participation. Shows a lack of committment to tennis.
2.5 Emerging

Absences are high so participates in warm ups and drills are not consistent. At times plays in matches. Time is split with other activities so time has to be divded between tennis and other activity(ies).
3.0 Intermediate

Sometimes participates in warm ups and drills. At times plays in matches. Time is split with other activities so time has to be divded between tennis and other activity(ies).
3.5 Challenger

Almost always participates in warm ups and drills. Consistently plays in matches. Displays a willingness to actively participate.
4.0 Advanced

Always participates in warm ups and drills. Is always available to play in matches. Always displays a willingness to actively participate.
Points Earned
Game Rules & Etiquette

Knowlede of the game, rules, scoring, and basic strategies.

2.0 Novice

Tennis is a new game to the student. They know little about the rules and etiquette.
2.5 Emerging

Student is making an effort to learn the rules & etiquette of tennis. They are beginning to understand the scoring system and the basic rules of play.
3.0 Intermediate

Student has mastered scorekeeping. They are making progress understanding the rules of the game and are beginning to understand basic strategies.
3.5 Challenger

Student has mastered scorekeeping and the rules of the game and making progress understanding complex strategies.
4.0 Advanced

Student displays full knowledge of the game, scoring, and basic strategies. They understand complex strategies.
Points Earned

Positive language and attitude towards self and opponent(s).

2.0 Novice

No effort. Displaying negative mood and using inappropriate language.
2.5 Emerging

Minimal effort. Goofing off, displaying a negative mood at times. Displays negative verbal or body language on a consistent basis. Shows anger or negative emotion when not winning.
3.0 Intermediate

Show effort. At times may show negative verbal and or body language, but it working to overcome. Working on controlling negative emotion when not winning.
3.5 Challenger

Displays a positive mood. Does not use negative verbal or body language. Does not show anger when not winning.
4.0 Advanced

Student is a true sportsman; very positive & encouraging to teammates. Shows a respect for the game, teammates, and oponents.
Points Earned

Actively accepts coaching. Trys best at drills/matches. Always trying to get better.

2.0 Novice

Tennis is a new game to the student. Student is making no effort to progress in skill level. Students consistently misses drills/matches. Lacks desire to get better.
2.5 Emerging

Student is making some effort to increase their tennis skills. Taking directions and coaching advice is difficult.
3.0 Intermediate

Showing effort to work toward bettering their tennis skills. Beginning to understand and embrace coaching comments.
3.5 Challenger

Makes good effort to make all practices/matches. Has good energy, comes ready to play, may not always be prepared, but makes good effort to participate. Tries to make adjustments when coaching is given.
4.0 Advanced

Rarely misses practice or games. Has great energy, comes to drills/matches ready to play, has all equipment needed, always makes great effort to participate. Embrases coaching comments and is always looking for ways to better their game.
Points Earned
Attitude & Responsibility

Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respeccts self and others.

2.0 Novice

The student is struggling with directions, has a low attention span. Student requires a lot of attention to keep them focused and on task. Exhibits poor self-control.
2.5 Emerging

Needs personal reminders and directions. Beginning to show personal reponsibility for their behavior. Personal attitude is improving. Beginning to work toward the following skills:
1. Support & encourage others
2. Use appropriate behaviour during competitive settings.
3. Choose behaviours that contribute to group success.
4. work wel with more skilled & less skilled teammates.
3.0 Intermediate

Requires general class reminders to:
1. Support & encourage others
2. Use appropriate behaviour during competitive settings.
3. Choose behaviours that contribute to group success.
4. work wel with more skilled & less skilled teammates.
3.5 Challenger

Working toward self direction to:
1. Support & encourage others
2. Use appropriate behaviour during competitive settings.
3. Choose behaviours that contribute to group success.
4. work wel with more skilled & less skilled teammates.
4.0 Advanced

Self directed to:
1. Support & encourage others
2. Use appropriate behaviour during competitive settings.
3. Choose behaviours that contribute to group success.
4. work wel with more skilled & less skilled teammates.
Points Earned
Team Comradery

Social, leadership, and commitment.

2.0 Novice

Social, leadership or commitment skills are weak.
2.5 Emerging

Social, leadership or commitment skills are poor.
3.0 Intermediate

Social, leadership or commitment skills are average.
3.5 Challenger

Social, leadership or commitment skills are good.
4.0 Advanced

Social, leadership and commitment skills are excellent.
Points Earned
Release a high ball toss. Bend knees and prepare to strike. Strike ball above head upon contact.

2.0 Novice

Tennis is a new game to the student. Student does not demonstrate or know how to serve the tennis ball.
2.5 Emerging

Student is unsuccessful serving the ball over the net, but shows some basic understanding of technique used to serve the ball. Ball toss is inconsistent.
3.0 Intermediate

Student has served the ball over the net correctly but not consistently. Student shows some understanding of technique used for serving. Student is beginning to understand placement of serve.
3.5 Challenger

Student is somewhat consistent serving the tennis ball over the net. However, double-faulting is still a problem. Student is beginning to execute placement of serve.
4.0 Advanced

Student is consistent serving the tennis ball over the net. Double-faulting is minimal. Student is consistent in executin placement of serve.
Points Earned
Ground Strokes
Knees bent with racket ready. Strike ball and rotate torso. Follow through.

2.0 Novice

Tennis is new to the student. Student is struggling to understand and/or perform the correct technique.
2.5 Emerging

Student is beginning understands & demonstrates the essential elements, but is missing tow or more of the following essential elements:
1. Athletic playing stance.
2. Correct grip.
3. Horizontal swing
4. Side orientation to ball during the swing.
3.0 Intermediate

Student understands the essential elements and is beginning to demonstrate an intermediate knowledge of the following elements. The student may miss one of the following essential elements:
1. Athletic playing stance.
2. Correct grip.
3. Horizontal swing
4. Side orientation to ball during the swing.
3.5 Challenger

Student usually understands & demonstrates the essential elements:
1. Athletic playing stance.
2. Correct grip.
3. Horizontal swing
4. Side orientation to ball during the swing.
4.0 Advanced

Student consistently understands & demonstrates the essential elements with fluid motion:
1. Athletic playing stance.
2. Correct grip.
3. Horizontal swing
4. Side orientation to ball during the swing.
Points Earned

2.0 Novice

Tennis is new to the student. Student is struggling to understand and/or perform the correct technique.
2.5 Emerging

Student is beginning understands & demonstrates the essential elements, but is missing tow or more of the following essential elements:
1. Athletic playing stance.
2. Correct grip.
3. Backswing & follow-through are complete.
4. Changes stance accordingly.
3.0 Intermediate

Student understands the essential elements and is beginning to demonstrate an intermediate knowledge of the following elements. The student may miss one of the following essential elements:
1. Athletic playing stance.
2. Correct grip.
3. Backswing & follow-through are complete.
4. Changes stance accordingly.
3.5 Challenger

Student usually understands & demonstrates the essential elements:
1. Athletic playing stance.
2. Correct grip.
3. Backswing & follow-through are complete.
4. Changes stance accordingly.
4.0 Advanced

Student consistently understands & demonstrates the essential elements with fluid motion:
1. Athletic playing stance.
2. Correct grip.
3. Backswing & follow-through are complete.
4. Changes stance accordingly.
Points Earned
Returning Serve

2.0 Novice

Tennis is a new game to the student. Student does not demonstrate or show that they know how to return a serve.
2.5 Emerging

Seldom returns a playable* ball over the net, into opposing court. Can get ball in play at slow pace; Shows some of the basic understanding of technique used.
3.0 Intermediate

Sometimes returns a playable* ball over the net, into opposing court. Lacks ability/understanding to make adjustments based on the serve. Lacks ability/understanding to use appropriate shot selection.
3.5 Challenger

Usually returns a playable* ball over the net, into the opposing court. Attempts to make adjustments based on the serve. Attempts to use appropriate shot selection.
4.0 Advanced

Student Consistently returns a playable* ball over the net, into opposing court. Makes adjustments based on the serve. Uses appropriate shot selection.
Points Earned
Hitting the ball high and deep into the opponent's court. It can be used as an offensive or defensive weapon depending on the situation.

2.0 Novice

Tennis is a new game to the student. Student is not able to understand/execute the shot correctly. Student shows little effort.
2.5 Emerging

Seldom hits the ball high and deep into the opponent's court. Lacks to ability/understanding to use the lob effectively in game situations.
3.0 Intermediate

Sometimes hits the ball high and deep into the opponent's court. Lacks to ability/understanding to use the lob effectively in game situations.
3.5 Challenger

Usually hits the ball high and deep into the opponent's court. Attempts to use the lob effectively in game situations.
4.0 Advanced

Consistently hits the ball high and deep into the opponent's court. Uses the lob effectively in game situations.
Points Earned

2.0 Novice

Tennis is a new game to the student. Student is not able to understand/execute the shot correctly. Student shows little effort.
2.5 Emerging

Seldom hits the ball high and deep into the opponent's court. Lacks to ability/understanding to use the lob effectively in game situations.
3.0 Intermediate

Sometimes hits the ball high and deep into the opponent's court. Lacks to ability/understanding to use the lob effectively in game situations.
3.5 Challenger

Usually hits the ball high and deep into the opponent's court. Attempts to use the lob effectively in game situations.
4.0 Advanced

Consistently hits the ball high and deep into the opponent's court. Uses the lob effectively in game situations.
Points Earned
Ball is struck before it bounces on the ground. Generally a player hits a volley while standing near the net, although it can be executed farther back, in the middle of the tennis court

2.0 Novice

Tennis is a new game to the student. Uncomfortable at net. Stuggles with technique. May show little effort.
2.5 Emerging

Inconsistent volley; has trouble with low and wide shots; unable to control shot placement; building proper form and footwork
3.0 Intermediate

More consistent volley; more aggressive net play; some ability to cover low and wide shots; uses proper footwork; can direct volleys; difficulty putting volleys away
3.5 Challenger

Fairly consistent volley; more aggressive net play; ability to cover low and wide shots; uses proper footwork; can direct volleys; able to put volleys away
4.0 Advanced

Consistent volleys; more aggressive net play; can handle mixed sequence of volleys; good footwork; has depth and directional control; ability to cover low and wide shots; able to put volleys away
Points Earned

2.0 Novice

Tennis is a new game to the student. Uncomfortable at net. Stuggles with technique. May show little effort.
2.5 Emerging

Inconsistent volley; has trouble with low and wide shots; unable to control shot placement; building proper form and footwork
3.0 Intermediate

More consistent volley; more aggressive net play; some ability to cover low and wide shots; uses proper footwork; can direct volleys; difficulty putting volleys away
3.5 Challenger

Fairly consistent volley; more aggressive net play; ability to cover low and wide shots; uses proper footwork; can direct volleys; able to put volleys away
4.0 Advanced

Consistent volleys; more aggressive net play; can handle mixed sequence of volleys; good footwork; has depth and directional control; ability to cover low and wide shots; able to put volleys away
Points Earned
Miscellaneous Skills
Spatial Awareness

Knowing where you are relative to other objects is very important in tennis. Knowing where you are on the court, being aware of your surroundings, anticipating the play and making your next move.

2.0 Novice

Tennis is a new game to the student.
2.5 Emerging
3.0 Intermediate
3.5 Challenger
4.0 Advanced
Points Earned

Learning correct tennis footwork will be necessary if you wish to advance your game. Good tennis footwork affects everything -your timing, balance, power, and consistency. Ready Position, Speed, agility, split step, Side Shuffle Steps, and Cross Steps.

2.0 Novice

Tennis is a new game to the student. Lacks skill or effort.
2.5 Emerging

Moves inconsistent on court due to lack of knowledge and/or skill to hit the ball. Has a tendency to stand flat footed, not ready for the next shot. May lack stamina.
3.0 Intermediate

Moves somewhat well on court to hit the ball. Has a tendency to stand flat footed, not ready for the next shot. May lack stamina.
3.5 Challenger

Moves fairly well on court to hit the ball. Sometimes moves well and makes adjustment steps. Sometimes stands flat footed, not ready for the next shot.
4.0 Advanced

Consistently moves to hit the ball. Moves well and makes adjustment steps Does not stand flat footed but moves constantly.
Points Earned

Overhead smash

2.0 Novice

Tennis is a new game to the student. May show a lack of effort or a lack of knowledge to complete an overhead.
2.5 Emerging

Struggles hitting overheads. Technique lacks two or more of the following: Position body underneath ball
Racket arm back, non racket arm pointed at ball
Hit at full extension.
3.0 Intermediate

Rarely hits overheads to end the point; technique lacks two or more of the following: Position body underneath ball
Racket arm back, non racket arm pointed at ball
Hit at full extension.
3.5 Challenger

Sometimes hits overheads to end the point; technique lacks one or more of the following: Position body underneath ball
Racket arm back, non racket arm pointed at ball
Hit at full extension.
4.0 Advanced

Consistently hits overheads to end the point; Position body underneath ball
Racket arm back, non racket arm pointed at ball
Hit at full extension.
Points Earned
Game Play

2.0 Novice

Tennis is a new game to the student. Makes little attempt to move to play a shot. Shows a lack of effort to play competitively.
2.5 Emerging

Can sustain a short rally of slow paced; weak court coverage; usually remains in the initial doubles position.
3.0 Intermediate

Consisten on medium-paced shots; most common doubles formation is still one-up, one-back; approaches net when play dictates but weak in execution; improved court coverage; starting to look for the opportunity to come to the net; developing teamwork in doubles
3.5 Challenger

Dependable ground strokes with directional control and depth demonstrated on moderate shots; not yet playing good percentage tennis; teamwork in doubles is evident; rallies may still be lost due to impatience.
4.0 Advanced

Makes a great effort to 'dig in' and find it within themself to do whatever is needed to win. Shows great effort to understand the opponent(s) and make adjustments accordingly. More intentional variety in game; is hitting with more pace; covers up weaknesses well; aggressive net play is common in doubles; good anticipation
Points Earned
Overall Team Ranking

3 pts


3.5 pts


4 pts


4.5 pts


5 pts

Overall Ranking


Skill Level

Player's overall tennis ability level


Novice: just beginning. Has little or no tennis experience. Primarily working on getting the ball into play.

Emerging: Needs on-court experience. Has obvious stroke weaknesses but is familiar with basic positions for singles & doubles play. Learning to judge where the ball is going although court coverage is weak. Can sustain a short rally of slow pace with other players of the same ability.

Intermediate: Fairly consistent when hitting medium-paced shots, but is not comfortable with all strokes & lacks execution when trying for directional control, depth or power. Needs work on depth and variety. Has achieved improved stroke dependability with directional control on moderate shots, but still lacks depth and variety. Starting to exhibit more aggressive net play and has imporoved court coverage.

Challenger: Has dependable strokes, including directional control & depth on both forehand & backhand sides plus the ability to use lobs, overheads, approach shots & volleys with some success. May be starting to master the use of power & spins (though tends to over-hit difficult shots). Rallies may be lost due to impatience.

Advanced: Starting to master the use of power & spins; can handle pace, has sound footwor, can control depth of shots & is beginning to vary game plan according to opponents. Can hit first serves with power & accuracy & place the second serve.
Overall Ranking
Final Grade
Points tallied from each criteria


3 pts



3.5 pts



4 pts



4.5 pts


95-100 pts.

5 pts

Final Grade


Final Grade

Total Points

Final Grade

  • tennis, tennis skills, tennis assessment


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