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iRubric: Grid Drawing: Line and Value Study rubric

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Grid Drawing: Line and Value Study 

Powered by iRubric Grid Drawing Self Evaluation
  Below the Standards

0 - 76


Meets the Standards

77 - 92


Exceeds the Standards

93 - 100


Made accurate division of space

Below the Standards

Grid is not divided into equal areas.
Lines are not there. Grid does not match photo.
Meets the Standards

Divided paper into grid , but they are not equal in spaces.
Lines are crooked.<BR>
Grid lines are very dark.
Exceeds the Standards

Divided the paper into balanced and equal areas of space using the ruler. Drew the grid lines accurately and softly.
Used grid to create proportion

Below the Standards

Did not use the grid to help decide where to place the parts of the photo.

Did not draw box by box. Looked at the recognizeable parts of the photo and tried to recreate them on the page.
Meets the Standards

Used the grid to get a few parts of the photo drawing in the right place.<BR>

Drew box by box looking at lines and shapes not at recognizeable parts of the photo.
Exceeds the Standards

Used the grid very well to get all parts of the photo in the right place.

Drew box by box looking at lines and shapes to successfully recreate the photo.
Erased grid

Below the Standards

Drew the grid lines too dark to erase.

Left grid lines in the final photo drawing.
Meets the Standards

Drew the grid lines dark but tried to erase them as well as I could.

Can see grid lines in some parts of the final drawing.
Exceeds the Standards

Erased grid lines very well because I drew them softly.

Cannot see any grid lines in final drawing.
Variety of values

Below the Standards

Did not show a variety of values. Showed 1-2

Much of the drawing has no shading on it.

Much of the drawing is smeared together, making it all one value.
Meets the Standards

Showed 3 to 4 values of shading.

Missing some areas of darkest value.

Missing some areas of whitest and light values.
Exceeds the Standards

Showed 6 or more different values of shading.

Included some darkest darks.

Included some whites and lightest lights.
Values show 3-D

Below the Standards

Did not blend values carefully to show 3-D.

Over blended values by smearing them around too much or outside of their intended space.
Meets the Standards

Blended values well in some areas but not all in others.

Started some blending of values in areas but should have done more to create more illusion of 3-D.
Exceeds the Standards

Blended values very well using the blending techniques suggested.

Shows 3-D very well by careful placement of light and dark values.

  • grid, portrait, line, value

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