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iRubric: Writing Essay Assessment rubric

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Writing Essay Assessment 
We can expect students to produce good writing only if they understand what good writing is. For example, a student writing a personal essay needs to know that personal essays express the writer’s thoughts and opinions, often incorporate personal anecdotes or experiences, and are usually written in a less formal style than a literary analysis or other form of essay. In an assessment situation, it is only fair for students to know how their work will be judged. Knowing the criteria for good writing will also help students evaluate and revise their own writing before it is submitted for teacher evaluation.When you give students the criteria, discuss what is expected of them. Student can receive a maximum of 12 points
Rubric Code: LX93986
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Writing Essay Assessment
This is the Teacher's Assessment of Student work for their assignment.

A paper in this category shows a Non-Performance of weakness in using
the tools of language. It exhibits little to none of the following characteristics:

0 pts

Below Expectations

A paper in this category shows a Below Expectations command of the tools of
language. It exhibits some or all of the
following characteristics:

1 pts


A paper in this category shows a Basic command of the tools of
language. It exhibits some or all of the
following characteristics:

2 pts


A paper in this category shows an
Profiecient command of the tools of
language. It exhibits some or all of
the following characteristics:

3 pts


A essay paper in this category shows a distingusished
command of the tools of
language. It exhibits all of
the following characteristics:

4 pts

Elaboration/Support/ Style
4 pts

• The opening engages the reader’s attention.
• All details are clearly related to the topic.
• Details are sufficient and appropriate.
•Word choice enhances the writing.
• Effective transition words are used.


Student failed to demonstrate
• it does not
respond to the
type of writing
the prompt is
intended to elicit.
• it cannot be
read because it
is illegible.
Below Expectations

Student demonstrates
• half or more of main ideas not supported
by details
• half or more details may be
• no transitions
• sentence style choppy
• vocabulary limited

Student demonstrates
uneven development/narrative details
• details may appear to be listed rather
than integrated into coherent flow
• some details are irrelevant
• few or no transitions
• most sentences simple; overall style
• word choice adequate to convey
meaning but few precise or vivid words

Student demonstrates
each main idea supported by
details, but details in some paragraphs
may be sketchy/narrative
details sufficient to flesh out events
• all details related to topic
• some details not used effectively
• transitions used
• varied sentence style
• word choice adequate to convey
meaning; some precise, vivid words

Student demonstrates
• each main idea supported by
details/narrative brought to life by
• all details related to topic
• choice of details effective
• ideas/events related by effective
transition words and phrases
• varied sentence style
• precise, interesting,
4 pts

• The main idea or story sequence is clear.
• The piece fulfills its purpose and is appropriate
to its intended audience.
• Ideas or events are presented in an effective
• The writing has unity and coherence.


Student failed to demonstrate
• it does not
respond to the
type of writing
the prompt is
intended to elicit.
• it cannot be
read because it
is illegible.
• it consists of lists,
notes, or drawings
rather than
sentences and
• the amount of
writing is too
minimal to be
Below Expectations

Student demonstrates
• evidence of attempt to respond to
• no evidence of attentiveness to
• focus on topic not sustained
• no opening or closing
• piece is not complete

Student demonstrates
• responds partially to the prompt but is
off-target in some way
• may not show evidence of attentiveness
to audience
• focus on topic not consistently
• some lack of distinction between main
ideas and details
• order of ideas not effective
• may be no opening sentence; no
attention to closing
• piece seems incomplete

Student demonstrates
• responds to the prompt
• appropriate to the audience
• focus not clear at every point
• some main points underdeveloped
• ideas may not be in the most
effective order
• an opening, but not necessarily
focused or attention-getting;
attempt at a closing
• sense of completeness

Student demonstrates
• responds to the prompt
• appropriate to the audience
• single, distinct focus
• generally well-developed ideas or
• logical flow of ideas or events
• opening that draws in reader;
effective closing
• sense of completeness
Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics
4 pts

• The writing is free of misspellings, and words
are capitalized correctly.
• Sentences are punctuated correctly, and the
piece is free of fragments and run-ons.
• Standard English usage is employed.
• The paper is neat, legible, and presented in an
appropriate format.


Student failed to demonstrate
• it does not
respond to the
type of writing
the prompt is
intended to elicit.
• it cannot be
read because it
is illegible.
Below Expectations

Student demonstrates
number and type of errors obscure
• inadequate grasp of Standard
American English
• frequent errors in spelling, capitalization,
and usage
• many run-ons or fragments
• serious and frequent punctuation

Student demonstrates
• number and type of errors may interfere
with meaning at some points
• weaknesses in command of Standard
American English
• some spelling, capitalization, or usage
• some fragments or run-ons
• some errors in punctuation

Student demonstrates
• number and type of errors not sufficient
to interfere with meaning
• consistent command of Standard
American English
• few, if any, spelling, capitalization,
or usage errors
• competence in coordination and

Students demonstrates
• sophisticated and consistent command
of Standard English
• free of spelling, capitalization, and
usage errors
• precise syntax; competence in coordination
and subordination
• few, if any, errors in punctuation
Engagement in the Writing Process
4 pts

Writing is a process of steps, from the idea
to the finished manuscript. Students will improve
their writing as they increase their ability to complete
each step in the process. An assessment of student
writing that includes review and discussion of each
step will help students understand what works in
their writing and why it works.


Student failed to demonstrate
• it does not
respond to the
type of writing
the prompt is
intended to elicit.
• it cannot be
read because it
is illegible.
Below Expectations

The student
* made a prewriting plan
* discussed the draft with a partner
or small group
* contributed questions and suggestions

The student
* made a prewriting plan
* discussed the draft with a partner
or small group
* contributed questions and suggestions

The student
* made a prewriting plan
* discussed the draft with a partner
or small group
* contributed questions and suggestions

The student
* made a prewriting plan
* discussed the draft with a partner
or small group
* contributed questions and suggestions
to other writers
* revised the draft
* proofread the final draft

  • Writing Essay Assessment Evaluation


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