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iRubric: Food Science Research Paper rubric

iRubric: Food Science Research Paper rubric

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Food Science Research Paper 
Food science research paper. Submit a 3-5 page typed paper, double spaced, 12 font, APA guidelines. References from 4 resources with 3 from peer reviewed journals. Paper graded on content, evaluation of research, the use of APA format, quality of writing within the scientific field (factual not passive), criteria of the paper, credibility of sources, grammar and mechanics. Paper is to be 3-5 pages with correct spacing, a title page, an abstract separate from the paper and a reference page.
Rubric Code: LX59XAA
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Public Rubric
Subject: Science  
Type: Attendance  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric APA Referencing
  APA - Referencing

5 pts

APA - Referencing

4 pts

APA - Referencing

3 pts

APA - Referencing

2 pts

APA - Referencing

1 pts


APA - Referencing

4 References
3 from Peer Reviewed Journals
APA Format
Alphabetical order

Separate page with Title
Space between references

All sources given credit in both paper and references.
APA - Referencing

3 References
3 from Peer Reviewed Journals
APA Format
Alphabetical order

Separate page with Title
Space between references

No more than three errors in APA format.
APA - Referencing

3-4 References
Less than 3 from Peer Reviewed Journals

APA Format
Out of Order
Inaccurate Spacing

No more than four errors in APA format.
APA - Referencing

3 References total
2 from Peer Reviewed Journals

Attempts to use APA Format
Out of Order

Inaccurate Spacing
Not on a separate page
APA - Referencing

1-2 References with at least 1 from a peer Reviewed Journal

Attempts to use APA Format
In-text Referencing

APA - Referencing

Sources are appropriately cited in-text according to APA referencing.

All quotes contain a page reference.

Quotes over 40 words are in a block quote.

All citations are referenced in the reference list and all references in the reference list have been incorporated into the paper
APA - Referencing

Sources are appropriately cited in-text according to APA referencing.

Quotes contain a page reference.

Quotes over 40 words are NOT in a block quote.

All citations are referenced in the reference list and all references in the reference list have been incorporated into the paper
APA - Referencing

Sources are appropriately cited in-text according to APA referencing.

Quotes are missing a page reference.

Quotes over 40 words are NOT in a block quote.

All citations are referenced in the reference list and all references in the reference list have been incorporated into the paper
APA - Referencing

Sources are not appropriately cited in-text according to APA referencing.

Quotes are missing a page reference.

Quotes over 40 words are NOT in a block quote.

Citations are not referenced in the reference list or all references in the reference list have been incorporated into the paper
APA - Referencing

Sources are not cited in-text or are minimally cited.

Quotes are not cited correctly according to APA.
Organization of Paper

Meets highest expectations and is usually the result of thorough editing. Points are made clearly, convincingly, directly.APA format

5 pts


Meets assignment requirements, but possibly talks around the point. Has been proofread, but could possibly use more editing.

4 pts


Does not meet the requirements. Perhaps rushed.

3 pts


2 pts


1 pts



Paper is comprehensive, accurate, and focuses on research within the assigned topic.

Ideas are presented in a clear and understandable manner that is easy to follow through the progression of the paper with a precise conclusion.

Major points are stated clearly and are well supported.

Research is adequate, timely and addresses course concepts. Articles flow and support each other with easy transition.

Paper is comprehensive, accurate, and focuses on research within the assigned topic.

Ideas are presented in a clear and understandable manner that is easy to follow through the progression of the paper with a precise conclusion.

Major points are stated clearly and are well supported.

Research is outdated or irrelevant to course concepts.

Articles flow and support each other with easy transition.

Paper is comprehensive, accurate, and focuses on research within the assigned topic.

Ideas are presented in a clusters or separate categories and do not relate to each other.

Major points are stated clearly and are well supported.

Research may be outdated or irrelevant to course concepts.

Paper is not research based. Focus of paper is more of a review of the topic that can be found in a text book.

Ideas may flow and progress, however provide little additional knowledge beyond course material.
Major points are stated clearly and are well supported.

Paper is limited in scope or research. Very little or accurate supporting evidence to provide reliable information. Information is founded on web based sites that are not creditable.
Quality of Writing


Consistent and appropriate voice.

Sophisticated and precise word choice.

No spelling errors.

No errors in tense.

No punctuation or capitalization errors.

Voice mostly consistent and appropriate

Fairly effective word choice.

No more than 5 spelling errors.

Fewer than 3 errors in tense.

Fewer than 3 punctuation or capitalization errors.

Voice somewhat consistent and appropriate.

Correct word choice.

More than 6 spelling errors.

More than 4 errors in tense.

More than 4 punctuation or capitalization errors.

Voice is minimally passive and not factual for science based writing

Word choice inaccurate.

More than 8 spelling errors.

More than 8 errors in tense.

More than 8 punctuation or capitalization errors.

Voice is frequently passive and not factual for science based writing

Word choice inaccurate frequently.

More than 12 spelling errors.

More than 12 errors in tense.

More than 12 punctuation or capitalization errors.


Title page
Abstract on separate page
3-5 full pages (not less than 3 or more than 5)
References on separate page

Title page
Abstract on separate page
3-5 full pages (not less than 3 or more than 5)
References on separate page

1 error

Title page
Abstract on separate page
3-5 full pages (not less than 3 or more than 5)
References on separate page

2 errors

Title page
Abstract on separate page
3-5 full pages (not less than 3 or more than 5)
References on separate page

3 errors

Title page
Abstract on separate page
3-5 full pages (not less than 3 or more than 5)
References on separate page

4 errors

25 pts


20 pts


15 pts


10 pts


5 pts

content of Paper


Research paper of appropriate scope with articles that provide information and insight new to the topic.

Student is able to extract information from the research articles and intergrade the information into the paper to expand on the scope of the concept or idea, building throughout the paper with a final conclusion at the end.--Excellent synthesis of research & theory application- no more than 5% of the paper is quotes

Research paper of appropriate scope with articles that provide information and insight new to the topic.

Student is able to paraphrase information from the research articles and link the information into the paper to connect the scope of the concept or idea with a final conclusion at the end.--

Good synthesis of research & theory application. No more than 10% of the paper is quotes.

Research paper of adequate scope with articles that review and/or provide information to the topic.

Student is able to paraphrase information from the articles and link the information into the paper to connect the main points of the paper

Fair synthesis of research & theory application. No more than 10% of the paper is quotes.

Research paper of inadequate scope, little evaluation of research. Topics and ideas within the paper are not new or research based. The paper provides a comprehensive review of the topic based on basic knowledge. Articles are not researched based.

Poor synthesis of research & theory application. No more than 15% of the paper is quotes.

Research paper of inadequate scope, little evaluation of research. Topics and ideas within the paper are not new or research based. The paper provides a minimal information. Components of the paper are mainly quotes that have been extracted from articles or books. No new concepts have been evaluated.

Poor synthesis of research & theory application. Paper is composed of more than 15% quotes

  • Research paper Review of Literature

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