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iRubric: Op Art Cube rubric

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Op Art Cube 
Rubric Code: L94X6W
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Public Rubric
Subject: Arts and Design  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Op Art Cube
  Excellent 3


Good 2


Poor 1



Student created a six sided Op Art designs cube.

Excellent 3

Student created 6 different and unique Op Art designs on their cube. Students incorporated three self-descriptive words into the design.
Good 2

Student created a cube with a designs on their cube, however, they are not Op Art inspired/or are missing some aspects of the assignment.
Poor 1

Student did not finish the project and/or his/her designs are not Op Art inspired.
Use of Elements and Principles

The design creates movement and rhythm through line and contrast (black and white).

Excellent 3

Student successfully executed a design that use line and contrast to convey movement and rhythm.
Good 2

Student completed a a design which show some use of line and contrast to convey movement and rhythm.
Poor 1

Student did not complete any designs and/or did not use line or contrast in their designs.

Final work expresses knowledge of the materials (marker, ruler, glue, etc.).

Excellent 3

Student successfully used materials to complete their Op Art Cube.
Good 2

Student used materials fairly well to convey their ideas.
Poor 1

Student failed to use the materials successfully.

Final work is neat, clean, and complete. Cube is assembled correctly. The work is mounted on a black dowel and stand.

Excellent 3

Student exhibited excellent craftsmanship. Cube is assembled correctly and neatly.
Good 2

Student exhibited good craftsmanship. Cube is assembled correctly, however, it appears as though there may have been some difficulty doing so or there are minor imperfections in the cubes construction.
Poor 1

Student exhibited poor craftsmanship. The cube is not assembled and/or is assembled incorrectly.

Student took time to complete the task.

Excellent 3

The student gave an effort far beyond the requirements of the project.
Good 2

The student finished the project but it lacked finishing touches. The project could be improved upon with little effort.
Poor 1

The student did not finish the work.

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