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iRubric: Polynomial Operations rubric

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Polynomial Operations 
Math 1/Algebra 1. Inspired by Bloom's Taxonomy.

Powered by iRubric Polynomials/Quadratic Key Features


Meets Standards


Exceeds Standards




Not met



Can add and subtract polynomials


Student can add or subtract binomials; those without distributive property
Meets Standards

Student can add or subtract binomials and quadratic expressions while demonstrating appropriate use of distributive property
Exceeds Standards

Meets standards + can apply operations of polynomials to standard word problems and area + perimeter.

Student is able to add/subtract AND is able to apply that knowledge AND is combine prior knowledge and understanding. <<Ex: Finding missing side length of triangle given perimeter>>

Can include solving a complex problem not seen in class.
Not met

Not attempted;

Multiplies every problem instead of add/subtract

Combines unlike terms.

Can multiply polynomials


Student can multiply basic binomials
Meets Standards

Student can multiply linear binomial expressions; can multiply a binomial and a trinomial.
Exceeds Standards

Meets standard + can apply multiplication word problems and area + perimeter problems

Student is able to multiply polynomials AND is able to combine prior knowledge and understanding <<ex: finding missing side length given area of a triangle>>

Can include solving a complex problem not seen in class.
Not met

Not attempted;

Combine like terms instead of multiplying.
X-intercepts and y-intercept

Can identify the intercepts in a graph, table, and equation.
No factoring in this section.


Can identify both intercepts on a graph
Meets Standards

Can identify intercepts on a graph and table.

Can determine x-intercepts in factored form.
Exceeds Standards

Meets standards + identifies that factored form reveals the x-intercepts and standard form reveals the y-intercept.

Meets standards + can identify the y-intercept given factored form (needs to multiply).

Can compare intercepts to linear functions.
Not met

Not attempted;

gets x and y-axis mixed up
Key Features

Students can name the maximum, minimum, vertex, axis of symmetry.

In context will be in a different rubric.


Is able to identify basic key features; maximum, minimum, vertex.

Can graph a quadratic equation using technology.
Meets Standards

Is able to identify vertex, intercepts, maximum or minimum, axis of symmetry on a graph.

Can identify whether the quadratic equation will have a maximum or minimum based on the leading coefficient.
Exceeds Standards

Meets standards + can identify key features of a quadratic function from a table (not all have to be in the table)

Meets standards + can identify key features of a quadratic function from a table AND can use function notation to evaluate quadratic functions with inputs in their domains. (on graph)

^Example: evaluate f(2) on the graph.
Not met

Not attempted

mixes up minimum and maximum

Cannot identify vertex.
End Behavior of a Graph

Domain and Range
Intervals of Increase/Decrease


Can highlight intervals of increase and decrease on a graph.
Meets Standards

Can identify domain and range correctly from graph (by some sort of interval notation)

Can highlight intervals of increase and decrease on a graph.
Exceeds Standards

Meets standards + can name intervals of increase/decrease (by some sort of interval notation).

Meets standards + can name intervals of increase/decrease (by some sort of interval notation) AND can determine behavior of a graph in any interval (being given the interval, then identifying rate of change in the graph).
Not met

Not attempted

Computation skills


5-8 missed calculations
Meets Standards

3-4 calculation mistakes
Exceeds Standards

1-2 calculation mistakes

Calculations are completely accurate.
Not met

Many missed calculations



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