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iRubric: Rubric for Vision Board Collage

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Rubric for Vision Board Collage 
Rubric Code: L24A4X3
Public Rubric
Subject: Vocational  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Stress Management/ Goal Setting
  Not attempting to meet standards

1 pts

Needs to work on meeting Standards

2 pts

Meets standards

3 pts

Exceeds standards

4 pts


Not attempting to meet standards

Goals are missing, vision is not represented. Pictures and words do not represent goals or vision.
Needs to work on meeting Standards

Contains unclear goals and visions, pictures and words do not clearly represent a vision, little thought put into goals and visions
Meets standards

Contains goals and visions, represented in pictures and words with thought put into the goals and visions
Exceeds standards

Contains required visions, represented clearly in words and pictures, with a lot of thought put into the goals and visions
Creativity and Display of Vision

Not attempting to meet standards

Student only has a few pictures and/or drew pictures to receive a minimal grade. Unrelated to their goals.

Words and images are scattered on the page with no balance or organization.
Needs to work on meeting Standards

Student used a few outside resources to creatively complete project. Somewhat related to their goals/passions.

Words and images are somewhat scattered on the page with balance and some organization.
Meets standards

Student uses a variety of pictures that relate to their passions and goals.

Words and images are neatly placed on the page with porportion and organized.
Exceeds standards

Student used color, magazine/iinternet clippings, and used their imagination to create their collage to the best of their ability.

Words and images are extremely neat on the page with excellent proportion and organization.
Words/Quotes that inspire you

Not attempting to meet standards

Student only has 1 or 2 words/ phrases that represent them
Needs to work on meeting Standards

Student has 4 words/phrases that represent them
Meets standards

student has 8 words/phrases that represent them
Exceeds standards

student has 12 or more words/phrases that represent them

Not attempting to meet standards

Student seemed to have put very little to no effort into project.
Needs to work on meeting Standards

Student put minimal effort into project, just enough to get a grade.
Meets standards

Student put thought and effort into this project.
Exceeds standards

Student took great pride in their work.

Not attempting to meet standards

Student did not follow directions given.
Needs to work on meeting Standards

Student followed directions minimally.
Meets standards

Student followed directions.
Exceeds standards

Student worked to the best of their ability to explain their goals visually by following the directions given.

  • career, collage, high school, presentation, project

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