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iRubric: Photographer Research Project rubric

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Photographer Research Project 
Rubric Code: L23W7X3
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Public Rubric
Subject: Arts and Design  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Criteria
50 total points

10-7 points



6-4 points



3-0 points


1- Photographer information
10 pts

All key elements of the photographer's life are included and accurate. The content is comprehensive, and accurate.


Information is clear and well stated. photographer's name, date of birth, death, and country of origin are included. Interesting childhood details and other facts regarding the artist's life are included in your paper.

Information is clear but some information is missing or more effort could have been put into finding interesting details about the artist's childhood/life.

Information is not clear.
Facts are incomplete, or incorrect. Lacks effort
2- Photograph Critique and presentation
20 pts

Critiques of 2 photographs are coherent and show the depth of analysis Major points are stated clearly; are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis; and are organized logically.

10 points for each critique


Student can identify one major work by the artist, identify its title. The student will describe and analyze the artwork in great detail and will discuss in detail what the photographer says about the artwork.

The student includes sufficient information and research to describe the photographer's work. The main subject of the photographer's work is discussed, as is his style, use of color, and mood of the artwork. The student analyzes similarities in all of the photographer's works.

Student can identify one major work by the artist, identify its title The student will describe the artwork and may discuss what the photographer says about the artwork.

The student provides some information about the photographer's work and can state some examples of the photographer's style, but does not go into detail to give as much information as he could have.

The student's description and analysis of the photographer's work are difficult to understand or have no flow.
The work is incomplete.

The information lacks significant research which supports the analysis/or the information is incomplete.
3- Influenced photographic work
10 pts

Detailed analysis of art process and utilizing of photographer inspiration in 3 unique original student works


The student was able to describe their process of creating a work of art from their first ideas, to their planning stages, creation, adjustments, and final outcome. Student can analyze what changes they would make in the future and why.

Student will describe the process of creating their work of art but may leave out detail. Photos do not clearly show a connection to artist concepts

The thought process of creating the work of art is unclear or may read like a list instead of a detailed analysis of how the work came to be.
The work is incomplete
4 Presentation quality
10 pts

Text and Images formating and presentation of information visually make sense and show effort. No specific slide number requirement but information to slide ratio must be considered.


The photographer's information is presented correctly. Spelling presentation and formating were strongly considered to make a cohesive presentation. Strong quality images

presentation is formated consistently, spelling grammar was almost completely considered only with a minor error. Good quality images.

The presentation has poor readability quality.Graphics/ images used are unnecessary or do not support or relate to the text and artist or are of poor quality.
3 or more major spelling and grammar issues.

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