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iRubric: Grade 5 Poetry Anthology Rubric

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Grade 5 Poetry Anthology Rubric 
Students will create a poetry book that will include 8 original poems: 1 diamante, 1 cinquain, 1 autobiographical, 1 limerick, 2 haikus, 1 onomatopoeia and 1 acrostic.
Rubric Code: KXBCC9W
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: K-5

Powered by iRubric Grade 5 Poetry Anthology
  Level One

1 pts

Level Two

2 pts

Level Three

3 pts

Level Four

4 pts


Level One

Assignment incomplete. Lacking imagery and poetic devices. Does not illustrate a clear understanding of the types of poems studied. Illustrations are missing or do not make connections to the poems.
Level Two

Some imagery and use of poetic devices. All poems attempted. Not all poetic devices used. All aspects of the assignment complete.
Level Three

Anthology shows knowledge of the types of poems studied. All portions of the assigment, including literally connected illustrations, are included. Some effective imagery and use of poetic devices is attempted in all of the poems.
Level Four

Anthology shows strong student knowledge of the poetic types covered. All portions of the assignment are clear and flawlessly written and symbolically illustrated. Vivid imagery and a variety of poetic devices are used throughout.

Level One

Poems are not written in the proper forms, which lowers the poetic value of the writer's collection.
Minimal understanding is evident.
- Is missing numerous poems
Level Two

Poems are somewhat written in the proper forms, while others stray significantly or are written as narrative
Some understanding is evident.
-Is missing 1-2 poems
Level Three

Poems are mostly written in the proper forms.
Good understanding is evident.
-Anthology is complete
Level Four

Poems follow their intended form and demonstrate ingenuity in theme or subject matter.
Excellent understanding is evident.
-Anthology contains additional content beyond expectations (in number, or additional poems)
Word Choice

Level One

Inadequate vocabulary; slang, non-descriptive or generalized adjectives; lack of imagery.
Level Two

Some descriptive and figurative language. Low level vocabulary choices; some slang; unclear meanings.
Level Three

Thoughtful word choices; good use of descriptive and figurative language; advanced vocabulary evident.
Level Four

Sophisticated vocabulary; highly descriptive word choice; a broad range of figurative language eloquently used throughout the anthology.
Grammar and Conventions

Level One

There are numerous spelling or grammar errors, making the poem difficult to understand
-Puncutation is used incorrectly
Level Two

The poet's intended meaning is muddled by several spelling or grammar errors
-Punctuation may be misused
Level Three

A couple of spelling or grammar mistakes are evident, but do not diminish the meaning of the poem
Level Four

Proper use of English spelling and grammar is used consistently throughout the poem
-Punctuation is used when necessary

Level One

Little creative thinking evident. Lack of poetic feeling few or no images.
Level Two

Some creative thinking evident; sparse images; Little poetic feeling.
Level Three

Evidence of creative thinking; poems evoke strong emotions through the use of imagery; interesting images that show creativity.
Level Four

Highly original work; strong imagery created in all poems; artful images.

  • Poem, poetry, middle school



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