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iRubric: Google Sheets Rubric

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Google Sheets Rubric 
Go to Name your data. Select: "currency", "$0 -> $100", format XX, range 50 - 99, export excel, generate. Copy and paste data into a google sheet. Find the sum of all items. Find the average cost. Count how many items at each price range (50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, 90-99) Graph count results. How many items (at average cost) can you buy with $1500, $2000, $2500?
Rubric Code: KXB9B49
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Public Rubric
Subject: Computers  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Technology-Sheets
  Above Expectations

4 pts

Meets Expectaions

3 pts

Needs improvement

2 pts

Below Expectations

1 pts

Neatness and Organization

Above Expectations

The spreadsheet has exceptional formatting and the information is well organized. It's easy to read.
Meets Expectaions

The spreadsheet has attractive formatting and is somewhat organized. Data can be read and interpreted, but with some difficulty.
Needs improvement

The spreadsheet is somewhat organized. Readability needs improvement, as there is great difficult in interpreting information.
Below Expectations

The spreadsheet formatting and organization can be confusing to observer. Spreadsheet information is not readable.

Above Expectations

The spreadsheet formula(s) are well-developed and will correctly determine the needed information.
Meets Expectaions

The spreadsheet formula(s) will correctly determine the needed information.
Needs improvement

The spreadsheet formula(s) cannot be used to correctly determine the needed information.
Below Expectations

The spreadsheet has no formula(s)
Titles, Labels and Headings

Above Expectations

Sheet contains clearly labeled rows and columns.
Meets Expectaions

Sheet contains clearly labeled rows and columns, but the row-column organization was not completely thought out.
Needs improvement

Sheet does not contain labels for some of the rows or columns, and spreadsheet shows some signs of disorganization.
Below Expectations

Sheet does not contain any labels for columns and rows.

Above Expectations

Spreadsheet meets all requirements.
Meets Expectaions

Spreadsheet meets most of the requirements.
Needs improvement

Spreadsheet meets half of the requirements.
Below Expectations

Spreadsheet fails to meet requirements.

  • cell, row, column, merge and center, format


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