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iRubric: Hot Cross Buns 1st System rubric

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Hot Cross Buns 1st System 
1st System
Rubric Code: KX67A7A
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Public Rubric
Subject: Music  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: K-5, 6-8

Powered by iRubric Elementary
  Below Expectations

1 pts

Near Expectations

2 pts

Meets Expectations

3 pts

Above Expectations

4 pts


0 pts

Hand/Finger Placement

Below Expectations

Hands are not in correct placement--LH bottom, RH Top. Fingers are not aligned over each tone hole.
Near Expectations

Struggles to remember correct placement, LH Top, RH Bottom. Fingers are not always aligned over correct tone hole.
Meets Expectations

Hands are in the correct placement. Fingers are all correctly aligned over tone holes.
Above Expectations

Total: 3 pts
Note Accuracy

Below Expectations

Many wrong notes either in identification or in correct placement of fingers for each note.
Near Expectations

Three or more mistakes with note identification or correct placement of fingers for each note.
Meets Expectations

Two mistakes or less with note identification or correct placement of fingers for each note.
Above Expectations

No mistakes in note identification or in correct placement of fingers for each note. Student plays the piece with ease.

Total: 4 pts
Rhythmic Accuracy

Below Expectations

No steady rhythms. Many pauses. Notes and/or rests were not held for their full value.
Near Expectations

Rhythm somewhat steady but there were three or more pauses. Three or more notes and/or rests were not held for their full value.
Meets Expectations

Two mistakes or less in pauses or note/rest duration--some notes and/or rests were not held for their full value.
Above Expectations

No mistakes in rhythm. All notes and/or rests were held for their full value. Can sense an underlying rhythmic pulse in the playing.

Total: 4 pts
Airstream and Control

Below Expectations

Over blowing creating squealing tones or under blowing creating wavering tones. Not sealing off tone holes creating "whistle" tones.
Near Expectations

Sometimes over or under blowing causing some squealing or wavering tones. Some tone holes not sealed properly.
Meets Expectations

Two mistakes or less in breath control or sealing tone holes. Good breath control with very few squeaks or wavering. Tone is becoming resonate and mostly clear.
Above Expectations

No mistakes. Excellent breath control. No squeals, wavering or whistling. Tone is very resonant and clear.

Total: 4 pts

  • Grade 3 and 4: Ongoing Assessment


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