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iRubric: The Outsiders Final Essay rubric

iRubric: The Outsiders Final Essay rubric

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The Outsiders Final Essay 
Rubric Code: KB4222
Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Reading  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric The Outsiders Essay
  Exceeding Standards

4 pts

Meeting Standards

3 pts

Approaching Standards

2 pts

Far Below Standards

1 pts


Exceeding Standards

Creatively addresses the prompt with a focused and thorough response.
Meeting Standards

Addresses prompt with a focused response.
Approaching Standards

Addresses the prompt but the response loses focus.
Far Below Standards

Attempts to address prompt but lacks focus or is off-task.

Exceeding Standards

Eloquently presents and applies relevant information with complete accuracy, using more than 3 citations from the text to support the analysis.
Meeting Standards

Presents and applies relevant information with general accuracy, using at least 3 citations from the text to support the analysis.
Approaching Standards

Presents and applies information that is not all relevant or accurate, using less than 3 citations form the text.
Far Below Standards

Attempts to present information relevant to prompt, or does not use any citations from the text.
Controlling Idea

Exceeding Standards

Establishes a concrete controlling idea that uniquely states the main purpose and question for the task.
Meeting Standards

Establishes a controlling idea that states the main purpose and question for the task.
Approaching Standards

Attempts to establish a controlling idea, but does not consistently stick with the main purpose and question for the task.
Far Below Standards

Controlling idea is weak and does not establish a purpose and address the question.

Exceeding Standards

Presents substantial information in or to thoroughly examine and convey the changes in the characters; explains creatively key information with sufficient detail.
Meeting Standards

Presents sufficient information in order to examine or convey the changes in the characters; explains key information with sufficient detail.
Approaching Standards

Presents some sufficient information in order to examine or convey the changes in the characters, but does not elaborate enough to expalin to the reader the changes.
Far Below Standards

Tends to retell rather than present information in order to answer the question; lacks details to develop the changes in the characters.

Exceeding Standards

Applies a very effective structure to address all requirements of the prompt.
Meeting Standards

Applies a generally effective structure to address specific requirements of the prompt.
Approaching Standards

Attempts to apply an effective structure to address specific requirements of the prompt, or does not address all requirements of the prompt.
Far Below Standards

Applies an ineffective structure; composition does not address requirements of the prompt.

Exceeding Standards

Demonstrates and excellent command of standard English conventions and cohesion with no errors; employs langague and tone appropriate to audience and purpose.
Meeting Standards

Demonstrates a command of standard English conventions and cohesion, with very few errors; employs language and tone appropriate to audience and purpose.
Approaching Standards

Demonstrates a command of standard English conventions with some grammatical errors that take away from the meaning of the essay; laugage and tone are somewhat appropriate to audience and purpose.
Far Below Standards

Demonstrates a weak command of standard English conventions, with many grammatical errors; lacks cohesion; language and tone are inappropriate to audience and purpose.



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