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iRubric: Research Project- band rubric

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Research Project- band 
Rubric Code: K92387
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Public Rubric
Subject: Music  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

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  Does not meet

1 pts

Partially meets

2 pts


3 pts


4 pts

M. Creativity

Does not meet

Student makes little to no connections or insights through divergent thinking. An example may be a student uses general information about a genre that looks very similar to a wikipedia entry.
Partially meets

Student makes few connections or informed insights into the information through divergent thinking. An example may be a student is able to tell what instruments are usually in a genre, but does little to infer how the genre in similar to others.

Student makes some connections, draws conclusions, or reinterprets information through divergent thinking. An example may be a student analyze an argument for how a genre began, and give their own opinion based on the information gathered.

Student makes unique connections that may not have been thought of before, and draws conclusions from information through divergent thinking. An example may be a student creates a piece of new piece combining 2 genres to illustrate their understanding of genres.
N. Musical Intent

Does not meet

Student illustrates little to no understanding of why an artist created a piece of music. An example may be a student cannot say anything about what a song is about.
Partially meets

Student illustrates little understanding of why an artist created a piece of music. An example may be a student could tell you what they think a song is about, or why it uses a certain instrument, but cannot explain why.

Student illustrates an understanding of why an artist created a piece of music. An example may be a student can describe what songs in this genre are usually about, or why it uses a certain unique instrument.

Student illustrates a deep understanding of why an artist created a piece of music. An example may be student can describe details of an artists life that may be little known, that may have contributed to why the music sounds the way it does.
O. Creative Process

Does not meet

Student does little to nothing to explain some of the deeper dimensions of music and art. An example may be a student describe the band as punk, and says it has a very heavy distorted guitar, and is really loud.
Partially meets

Student does little to explain some of the deeper dimensions of music and art. An example may be a student tells the band members of a punk band, and tells what awards they may have won, but does little to explain what it sounds like or where it came from.

Student is able to explain some of the deeper dimensions of music and art, and the creative process through research and perceptive listening and describing. An example may be a student is able to hear the agression in punk music, and explains how it may be related to the politics of the time.

Student is able to reinterpret some of the deeper dimensions of music and art, and the creative process through research and perceptive listening and describing. An example may be that a creates a new idea or opinion on how punk was created based on opinions of others and research.
Q. Research

Does not meet

Student does not seek reliable and relevant sources to explore a subject of interest and express and support opinions and facts. No bibliography is included, and no sources can be named for where the information has been gathered.
Partially meets

Student may use some reliable and relevant sources to explore a subject of interest and express and support opinions and facts, but they may not be correctly cited, or bibliography page may not be included.

Student is able to find reliable and relevant sources to explore a subject of interest and express and support opinions and facts. Student includes a relavant quote that is an opinion and not a fact, and has a bibliography that is correctly cited.

Students illustrates a strong effort to find reliable and relevant sources to explore a subject of interest and express and support opinions and facts. Resources may be difficult to find, and may also include print media and lesser known articles by experts. Bibliography also included.



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