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iRubric: Oral/Multimedia Presenation rubric

iRubric: Oral/Multimedia Presenation rubric

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Oral/Multimedia Presenation 
Students will create a multimedia or visual presentation on a literary topic. Students will be assessed on their oral communication skills.
Rubric Code: K776B6
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Oral Presenation
30 %
  Above Standard

5 pts

Meets Standard

3.5 pts

Below Standard

1.5 pts

Not Evident

0.5 pts

Total Points


Cover Slide
5 %

Above Standard

The coveains the slide contains the person's name, class, title of subject and a visual that is connected to the content of the presentation.
Meets Standard

Cover slide contains the person's name, class, title of subject and a visual.
Below Standard

Cover slide is missing one or more elements and does not contain a visual
Not Evident

No cover slide
Total Points
Overview Slide
5 %

Above Standard

The overview slide provides a clear, detailed outline of the major ideas explored in the presentation.
It is organized and succint.
Meets Standard

The overview slide provides a clear outline of the major ideas explored in the presentation.
Below Standard

The overview slide is present, but doesnot give clear directives of the major ideas explored in the presentation.
Not Evident

There is no overview slide.
Total Points
Use of Graphics/Visual Aids
5 %

Above Standard

All graphics and/or visual aids are clearly readable and the appropriate size and color for the audience to see and support the theme/content of the presentation.
Meets Standard

All graphics and/or visual aids are the appropriate size and color for the audience and support the theme/content of the presentation
Below Standard

All graphics are appropriate but a one-three of the graphics do not seem to support the theme/content of the presentation.
Not Evident

No graphics or present of the presentations contains too many graphics that distract the audience from the content.
Total Points
Text-Font Choice & Formatting
5 %

Above Standard

Font formats (e.g. color, bold, italic) have been carefully planned to enhance readability and content of the presentation.
Meets Standard

Font formats have been carefully choosen to enhance readability to complement the content.
Below Standard

Font formatting has been carefully choosen to enhance readability to complement the content, but is hard to read.
Not Evident

Font formatting makes it very difficult to read the material.
Total Points
Sequencing of Information
5 %

Above Standard

Information is organized a a clear, logical way. It is easy to anticipate the type of material that might be on the next card or slide. Transitions are used skillful to make connections from one point to the next point throughout the presentation.
Meets Standard

Information is organized a a clear, logical way. It is easy to anticipate the type of material that might be on the next card or slide. Transitions are used.
Below Standard

Information is logically sequenced. And occassional card or slide of information seems out of place. One or two transitions are used.
Not Evident

There are no clear plans for the organization of information. No transitions have ben used.
Total Points
Grammar and Spelling
5 %

Above Standard

The presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors. Slides use a combination of bulleted sentences and or phrases that are uniform.
Meets Standard

The presentation has one-two misspellings or grammatical errors. Slides use a combination of bulleted sentences and or phrases that are uniform.
Below Standard

The presentation has three-four misspellings or grammatical errors. Slides contains paragrpahs and/or incomplete sentences that are not uniform.
Not Evident

The presentation has more than four grammatical errors and/or misspellings throughout the presentation.
Total Points
60 %
  Above Standard

20 pts

Meets Standard

15 pts

Below Standard

10 pts

Not Evident

5 pts

Total Points


Content Accuracy
20 %

Above Standard

The thesis or main idea is clearly stated or identifiable.All the content throughout the presentation is accurate and supports the thesis. There are no factual errors.
Meets Standard

The thesis or main idea is clearly stated or identifiable. Parts of the content are accurate but there are one or two pieces that may be inaccurate.
Below Standard

The thesis or main idea is hard to decipher.The content is generally accurate, but one or more pieces of information is clearly flawed or inaccurate.
Not Evident

No thesis or main idea is presented. Content is typically confusing or contains more than one factual error.
Total Points
Citations Within Work
20 %

Above Standard

All quotes, pictures, and apraphrases have been properly cited according to the 2009 MLA citation requirements.
Meets Standard

One or two quotes, charts/tables, pictures, and paraphrases have not been properly cited according to the APA/ MLA citation requirements.
Below Standard

Three or more quotes, chart/tables, pictures, and paraphrases have not been properly cited according to the APA/MLA citation requirements.
Not Evident

No quotes, chart/tables, pictures, and paraphrases have not been properly cited according to the APA/MLA citation requirements
Total Points
Works Cited
20 %

Above Standard

All cources are documented correctly according to APA/MLA formatting requirements on the works cited page.
Meets Standard

One or two sources are not documented correctly according to the APA/MLA formatting requirements on the works cited page.
Below Standard

Three to four sources are not documented correctly according to the APA/MLA formatting requirements on the works cited page.
Not Evident

There is no works cited page.
Total Points
30 %
  Above Standard

10 pts

Meets Standard

8 pts

Below Standard

6 pts

Net Evident

2 pts

Total Points


Oral Presentation
10 %

Above Standard

The speaker uses appropriate pitch, pacing, and tone throughout the entire presentation. Student does not rely on notecards. The speaker uses appropriate non-verbal ques. The speaker is poised, articulate, and knowledgeable of the content.
Meets Standard

The speaker uses appropriate pitch, pacing, and tone throughout the entire presentation. Student relies on notecards. The speaker uses appropriate non-verbal ques. The speaker is poised, articulate, and knowledgeable of the content.
Below Standard

The speaker uses inconsistent pitch, pacing, and tone throughout the entire presentation. Student relies heavily on notecards/slides. The speaker uses inappropriate non-verbal ques.The speaking is inappropriately mobile, inarticulate, and unsure the content.
Net Evident

The student speaks to the display/screen and does nto address the audience. The speaker uses inappropriate non-verbal ques.The speaking is inappropriately mobile, inarticulate, and unsure the content.
Total Points
Professional Attire
10 %

Above Standard

Student's attire is appropriate for the class presentation. Student is fully compliant with the school uniform policy.
Meets Standard
Below Standard

Student's attire is appropriate for the class presentation, but assessories are a destraction.
Net Evident

Student's atire is inappropriate for presentation. Student is non-compliant with the school uniform policy.
Total Points
Effectiveness of Presentation
10 %

Above Standard

Project includes all material needed to gain a compfortable understanding of the topic. It is a highly effective study guide. The presentation is five to ten minutes long.
Meets Standard

Project includes all material needed to gain a comfortable understanding of the material, but is lacking one or two key elemenets. It would be an adequate study guide. The presentation is five to ten minutes long.
Below Standard

Project is missing more than two key elements. It would be an incomplete study guide. The presentation is less than three minutes long.
Net Evident

Project is lacking several key elements and ahs inaccuracies that make it a poor study guide. The presentation is less than two minutes long.
Total Points

  • English, Oral Communication


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