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iRubric: Kinetic Typography rubric

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Kinetic Typography 
Student will create a 20-30 second Kinetic Typography animation using Flash. Students will present their Typography to the class. Each student will write a critique on 10% of the Typography assignments that are viewed.

Powered by iRubric Graphic Design Final: Kinetic Typo
  Below Basic

Student does not exhibit even the basic understanding of concepts.

0 pts


Student understands concepts at the very basic level.

5 pts


Students are proficient in their understanding of the concepts for this assignment.

8 pts


Students understanding of concepts is well above proficient and advanced in many areas.

10 pts

Font Style Selection

Below Basic

Font styles are not selected with purpose. General default fonts are used.

Font style was changed from the default, but the same font was used throughout the kinetic typography. Font style does not enhance the feeling or meaning of the text.

Font styles are selected with purpose. The styles selected do enhance the quality of the kinetic typography. Font changes are kept to a minimum, but are used with purpose.

Font styles are selected with purpose. The styles selected enhance the feeling and meaning of the kinetic typography. Font changes are kept to a minimum, but when used offer a deeper feeling or meaning to the text it is applied to.
Font Color Selection

Below Basic

Font colors are not selected with purpose. General default fonts are used.

Font color was changed from the default, but the same color was used throughout the kinetic typography.. the chosen font color does not enhance the feeling or meaning of the text.

Font colors are selected with purpose. The colors selected do enhance the quality of the kinetic typography. the color changes are kept to a minimum, but are used with purpose.

Font colors are selected with purpose. The colors selected enhance the feeling and meaning of the kinetic typography. The color changes are kept to a minimum, but when used offer a deeper feeling or meaning to the text it is applied to.
Font Size Selections

Below Basic

Font sizes are not selected with purpose. General default fonts are used.

Font size was changed from the default, but the same size was used throughout the kinetic typography.. Font size does not enhance the feeling or meaning of the text.

Font sizes are selected with purpose. The sizes selected do enhance the quality of the kinetic typography. Size changes are kept to a minimum, but are used with purpose.

Font sizes are selected with purpose. The sizes selected enhance the feeling and meaning of the kinetic typography. Size changes are kept to a minimum, but when used offer a deeper feeling or meaning to the text it is applied to.
Font Effects

Below Basic

Student uses no font effects.

Student creates a simple font effect using the tools indicated.

Student creates a complex font effect that adds to the overall effectiveness of the kinetic typography.

Student creates multiple complex font effects that add to the overall effectiveness of the kinetic typography.

Below Basic

Student does not create a background.

Student creates a simple 1 or 2 color background.

Student creates a complex background using filters, gradients, shapes, and blends

Student creates a complex background using multiple filters, blending modes, gradients and images.

Below Basic

Student does not use the Timeline to create the moving type.

Student uses the Timeline to create the moving type, however does not create 20-30 seconds of animation.

Student uses the Timeline to create 20-30 seconds of animation.

Student uses the Timeline and it's advanced features (looping, timing, tweening) to create a complex animation.
Craftsmanship and Design

Below Basic

Little or no craftsmanship in overall piece.

Storyboard not turned in.

Basic craftsmanship.

Storyboard turned in but not complete.

Good craftsmanship.

Storyboard completed correctly.

Excellent craftsmanship. Project catches the attention of the audience and holds it.
Storyboards completed correctly and with thought.
Work Ethic

Below Basic

Student rarely used class time to work on project. Student was continuously redirected to return to work on project. Student rarely brought materials they needed to class to complete project.

Student occasionally used class time to work on project. Student had to be prompted to return to work on project. Student was disorganized, did not bring files or flash drive on numerous days to complete project.

Student was organized, brought files to class and worked steadily and consistently on project. Student did not need prompting to remain on task.

Student was well organized and well prepared to work on project every class period. Student used class time to enhance their project and kept improving the project up until the deadline. Student was on task without prompting

Below Basic

Student did not present project or is verbally disruptive during other presentations.

Student presents project, but has spent little time preparing for presentation. Student is inattentive during other presentations.

Student presents project and has spent time preparing presentation. Student is attentive during other presentations.

Student has spent a significant amount of time preparing presentation and can answer questions posed by peers. Student is actively engaged in other presentations and asks questions of other students.

Below Basic

Student did not participate in the critique.

Student made a few comments. Comments were inappropriate or off topic, and did not add to the general discussion.

Student made numerous comments which were appropriate and on topic. Student used appropriate language when discussing the presentations.

Student offered numerous comments and comments had value to the presenter. Comments were appropriate and on topic. Student offered constructive criticism in an appropriate manner in an effort to help the artist improve

  • Typography



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