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iRubric: Social Media Project rubric

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Social Media Project 
Students are to use social media as a way to communicate to people the idea about the assigned theme. Some acceptable forms of could be: a blog, FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, or Tumbler. Pages should be fake. Students can use a poster board and design what the page would look like. The only exception would be to design a page on the computer without it being published to the web, or publishes the page as a private page, where nobody can see or comment on it.
Rubric Code: JXXC6X9
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Social Media
  Level 4


Level 3


Level 2


Level 1



Level 4

Theme was on target and clear throughout the entire project.
Level 3

Proper theme for the most part, but with some minor elements off.
Level 2

Theme was appropriate and consistent through out the project, but was not as assigned.
Level 1

Theme was not as assigned, and was not consistent in through the project.

Level 4

Project was neat and orderly; shows that the student put in effort and care.
Level 3

Project shows thought and care, but hastily done.
Level 2

Project was visually sloppy, suggesting hasty work and not much effort.
Level 1

Very sloppy and rushed.

Level 4

Project was creative and insightful.
Level 3

Project shows some creativity in parts, but not through the entire thing.
Level 2

Project has one creative element, but lacks creativity for the most part.
Level 1

No creativity or insightful thought.

Level 4

Content is appropriate for the project.
Level 3

Content is mostly appropriate, but there was one objectionable element.
Level 2

Two-three objectionable elements included.
Level 1

More than three objectionable elements.

Level 4

Student was prepared, clearly presented, and had no technical difficulties.
Level 3

Student was prepared, presented clearly, but there were some technical difficulties.
Level 2

Student was not fully prepared, or did not present clearly.
Level 1

Student was not fully prepared and did not present clearly.

  • social media

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