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iRubric: Graphic Novel: The Pearl rubric

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Graphic Novel: The Pearl 
This rubric is to serve as a supplemental grading tool for grading the culminating project of the novel study of The Pearl. Student is to write and illustrate a re-telling of the novel using characters to represent the three main characters, use three items to symbolize the pearl, scorpion, and the canoe as well as follow a centralized theme of greed as a destructive force. Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.8.2, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.8.9, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.8.3, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.8.9
Rubric Code: JXCCB42
Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric The Pearl Graphic Novel
  Excellent (A)

4 pts

Good (B)

3 pts

Fair (C)

2 pts

Poor (D-)

1 pts


Content of graphic novel meets assignment direction of re-telling The Pearl is a modern way. The re-telling must include the same central theme of greed, as well as incorporate the three main characters of the Pearl and the three symbols found in The Pearl.

Excellent (A)

Uses descriptive language.

Follows similar plot of novel of greed as destructive force.

Represents three central characters Kino, Juana, and the Doctor.

Symbols are found and used throughout story to represent the pearl, the scorpion, and the canoe.
Good (B)

Uses descriptive language.

Follows similar plot of novel of greed as destructive force.

Represents two of three central characters Kino, Juana, and/or the Doctor.

Two symbols are found and used throughout story to represent the pearl, the scorpion, and/or the canoe.
Fair (C)

Uses simple language.

Does not accurately follow similar plot of novel of greed as destructive force.

Represents one of three central characters Kino, Juana, and/or the Doctor.

One symbol is found and used throughout story to represent either the pearl, the scorpion, and the canoe.
Poor (D-)

Uses simple language.

Does not follow similar plot of novel of greed as destructive force.

Represents none of three central characters Kino, Juana, and/or the Doctor.

Uses no symbols found and used throughout story to represent either the pearl, the scorpion, and/or the canoe.
Style & Technique

Style & technique of graphic novel is colorful, interesting for reader to look at, and reads as a comic. The cells are easy to navigate, and the images are clear and identifiable.

Excellent (A)

Has dialogue throughout graphic novel between all central and any additional characters.

It is easily understandable which character is speaking.
Good (B)

Has some dialogue throughout graphic novel between central characters.

It is mostly understandable which character is speaking.
Fair (C)

Uses few details and has minimal dialogue throughout graphic novel between central characters.

It is not easily understandable which character is speaking.
Poor (D-)

Images do not help tell the story and there are few or no speech bubbles or captions.

It is not understandable which character is speaking.

The layout of the pages is easy to read and has a good flow. The cells of each page are easy to distinguish. The characters are created to accurately represent the characters in The Pearl and are identifiable to the reader.

Excellent (A)

Graphic novel is 4 or more pages in length

The pages are easy to read and attractive to look at.

Student knows how to use various affects to make the pages interesting to look at and add effectiveness to the storytelling.
Good (B)

Graphic novel is 2-4 pages in length.

Pages are easy to read and attractive to look at.

Student knows how to use some options and details to make the pages more interesting.
Fair (C)

Graphic novel is 1-2 pages in length.

Pages are sometimes confusing to read.

Options and details do not add to story.
Poor (D-)

Graphic novel is 1-2 pages in length.

Pages are confusing.

Options and details add to the confusion.

Grammar, spelling, and punctuation is accurate throughout the graphic novel.

Excellent (A)

The author shows consistent accuracy in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Good (B)

The author shows general accuracy in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Fair (C)

The author shows some accuracy in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Poor (D-)

The author shows none or limited accuracy of spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

  • the pearl, graphic novel, ela, middle school, language arts, book report



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