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iRubric: CHW3M Inquiry Rubric

iRubric: CHW3M Inquiry Rubric

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CHW3M Inquiry Rubric 
Assessment rubric for an inquiry assignment where are to research historical events keeping in mind the four historical spheres of influence (Social, Economic, Political, Environmental) as well as effectively using the Historical Thinking Benchmarks in accordance with curricular outcomes (objectives).
Rubric Code: JX6247A
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Public Rubric
Subject: History  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric History Inquiry
  Level 1

1 pts

Level 2

2 pts

Level 3

3 pts

Level 4

4 pts

Points Earned



Thesis/Question is stated and introduction illustrates student's interest in the topic.

Level 1

No thesis/question is evident in the final product, only the historical event is referenced.
Level 2

Thesis/question is alluded to and there is a basic introduction.
Level 3

Some evidence of thesis/question and the introduction makes the reader want to learn more.
Level 4

Thesis/question is clearly evident and the introduction makes the reader want to read further.
Points Earned

Historical Accuracy

Level 1

Little historical information used.
Level 2

Limited use of accurate historical information
Level 3

Accurate for the most part, some information is either missing or is inaccurate.
Level 4

All information is historically accurate and is relevant to the topic
Points Earned

Historical Spheres of Influence
Thorough examination of the history through the 4 spheres of influence.
All of the inquiry questions focus on at least one of the historical spheres of influence.
Your grade for this section will be based on how well you address at least one historical spheres of influence. Your ability to incorporate more than one concept shows a greater understanding of a historical inquiry and will be taken into account when determining your final grade.
Economic Analysis

What were the economic issues and their impact on the region and the events of the era?

Level 1

Little reference to the economic issues of the day or their role in the events.
Level 2

Some description of the economic issues of the region and the events of the era.
Level 3

Economic issues clearly described or the influence of the economic role in events described, but not both.
Level 4

Economic issues clearly described and their influence clearly explained for the region and the events of the era.
Points Earned

Social Analysis

What were the Social issues and their impact on the region and the events of the era?

Level 1

Little reference to the social influence of events on the people or the region.
Level 2

Some description of the social pressures and influences on the people and the region.
Level 3

Clear description of some of the events and their impact on the region but not both.
Level 4

Clear description and analysis of the impact of events on the social fabric of the people and region.
Points Earned

Political Analysis

What were the Political issues and their impact during the era and in the region being examined?

Level 1

Little reference to the political decisions and their impact on the people or the region.
Level 2

Some description of the political influences and of the decisions which were made.
Level 3

Clear description of the political influences or of the impact of the political decisions but not both.
Level 4

Clear description of the political influences and of the impact of the political decisions.
Points Earned

Environmental Analysis

What was the impact of the military events on the history of the region and time-period?

Level 1

Little reference to the environmental events and the impact of these events.
Level 2

Some reference to the environmental events and a simple conclusion of their impact is given.
Level 3

Environmental events clearly described (not interpreted) or sound conclusions reached but not both.
Level 4

Environmental events clearly interpreted and sound conclusions drawn.
Points Earned

Historical Thinking
6 Historical Thinking Concepts

All of the inquiry questions focus on at least one of the historical thinking concepts, and all questions require primary source evidence.
Your grade for this section will be based on your primary source evidence and at least one historical thinking concept. Your ability to incorporate more than one concept shows a greater understanding of a historical inquiry and will be taken into account when determining your final grade in the inquiry assign
Primary Source Evidence

What do the sources contribute to the argument you are making?

Level 1

Primary source evidence not directly referenced.
Level 2

One primary resource obviously used.
Level 3

Two or more primary resources used in a simplistic manner.
Level 4

Effective use of several primary resources.
Points Earned

Historical Significance

In what ways are the events/people historically significant?

Level 1

No historical significance demonstrated, only the events are referenced for the historical time-frame being examined.

Level 2

Historical significance referred to only for the historical event(s) being examined.
Level 3

Simple explanation of historical significance for the historical event(s) being examined.
Level 4

Historical significance fully explored and clarified for the historical event(s) being examined.
Points Earned

Continuity and Change

To what degree was there continuity and to what degree was there change during the historical era being examined?

Level 1

Only implies that there may have been change or continuity due to the events of the historical era but not both.

Level 2

Only implies that there were both continuity and change due to the events of the historical era, but no explanation given for either.
Level 3

Identifies some degree of continuity or change due to the the events of the historical era, but not both.
Level 4

Specifically illustrates how both continuity and change are evident due to the events of the historical era.
Points Earned

Cause and Consequence

What are the causes and consequences of the events of the historical era being examined?

Level 1

Simplistic explanation of the causes of the events in the historical era being examined.
Level 2

An attempt was made to show the consequences of the events of the historical era being examined?
Level 3

In depth examination of the causes of the events or the consequences of the events of the historical era being examined, but not both.

Level 4

In depth examination of the causes and of the consequences of the events of the historical era being examined.
Points Earned

Historical Perspective

Why did the people/governments act, think, and react the way they did during the historical era being examined?

Level 1

Only a simple explanation of why the people or the government(s) acted the way they did during the historical era being examined, but not both.
Level 2

A simple explanation of why the people or the government(s) acted and thought the way they did during the historical era being examined, but not both.
Level 3

A simple explanation of why the people or the government(s) acted, thought, and reacted the way they did during the historical era being examined, but not both.
Level 4

A thorough explanation of why the people and the government(s) acted, though, and reacted the way they did during the historical era being examined.
Points Earned

Ethical Dimnesion

What are the moral implications of the decisions and actions that took place during the historical era being examined?

Level 1

Little or no ethical analysis evident.
Level 2

General overall ethical judgement attempted.
Level 3

Ethical/moral judgements imposed using contemporary standards.
Level 4

Explicit ethical/moral judgements imposed taking into account the historical context.
Points Earned

Final Product
Does the submitted product effectively communicate the results of the student's investigation?
Language Conventions

Grammar, Punctuation, Capitalization, Spelling.

Level 1

More than 5 errors.
Level 2

4 or 5 errors
Level 3

3 or 4 errors.
Level 4

No more than 2 errors.
Points Earned

Submitted Product

How effective is the final product in conveying the assigned requirements?
A minimum of three supporting details for each inquiry question.

Level 1

Final product is simple in design and reflects limited research, superficial analysis, and no real conclusion. Has no supporting details or the supporting details are not relevant to the point being made.
Level 2

Final product is well/attractively designed, but demonstrates little research, superficial analysis, and a simple conclusion. Includes less than three supporting details.
Level 3

Final product is well designed but only reflects two of the following but not all three: thorough research, effective analysis of data, and draws a reasoned conclusion.
Includes three supporting details.
Level 4

Final product is well designed and clearly demonstrates: thorough research, effective analysis of data, and draws a reasoned conclusion. There are more than three supporting details and they help the reader to have a very clear understanding of the point being made.
Points Earned

References and Proof of Research

Are all included facts supported and resources properly cited?
A minimum of two sources.

Level 1

Attempt made at internal referencing of sources or of including a bibliography but not both.
Level 2

A bibliography and referencing of facts are attempted but are either incomplete or are in an improper format.

Level 3

Works are cited correctly or internal referencing is properly included, but not both.
Level 4

Works are cited correctly and facts are properly referenced throughout final product.
Points Earned

Total Points Earned
___________/100 %

a possible 4 marks will be added for each additional historical sphere of influence or historical concept being addressed. Your final grade will depend on how well you address each historical sphere of influence and each historical thinking concept and not the number of each type. An overall grade will be determined as a percent.

  • Historical Inquiry

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