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Art Assessment for Studio in Art 
Rubric to guide assessment in Studio Art projects

Powered by iRubric Studio Art Assessment rubric

20 pts

Standard Good/ Approaching

15 pts

Approaching/ emerging

10 pts

Inadequate/ Poor

5 pts

Planning/Brainstorming Skills


Multiple solution/revvisions or effort at exploring ideas. Multiple or series of artworks and or multiple ideas/brainstorming in planning.
Standard Good/ Approaching

Plans more than one idea, or one idea that has been well thought out in multiple aspects.
Approaching/ emerging

approaches one idea with some effort shown in problem solving.
Inadequate/ Poor

Lack of understanding of value of brainstorming in planning
Compositional & conceptual Skills


Risk Taker and/or addresses complex visual/conceptual ideas in composition. Uses intuitive problem solving to generate artistic direction
Standard Good/ Approaching

Has some successes with brainstorming of ideas in conception of design. Shows signs of interest in exploring design ideas.
Approaching/ emerging

Solutions tend to be simplistic in composition, and without much attention to composition.
Inadequate/ Poor

Obvious lack of purpose of composition use.
Technical Skills in Media


Consistent high quality of technical skills observed in art work. Strong application of media. Exceeds assignment objectives. Uses intricate details. Strong evidence of personal style technically expressed with media. Risk taking exhibits skill flaws that direct artistic growth building
Standard Good/ Approaching

Success with most aspects of technical skills of media. Has shown a strength in one media or technical area more than others. Fulfills assignment objectives with personal solutions and applications of skills.
Approaching/ emerging

Simplistic/ somewhat successful techniques in technical skills of media. Missing some of assignment objectives.
Inadequate/ Poor

Poor qualities observed in technical skills ability of media. Missing part or all of project assignment objectives.
Revision/reflection Skills


Responds to feedback with personal insight. Incorporates suggestions into revisions intuitively.
Standard Good/ Approaching

Revises work incorporating feedback or develops alternatives with some success.
Approaching/ emerging

Responds to feedback minimally. Defensive about feedback.
Inadequate/ Poor

Unable to utilize feedback to improve art work or development of ideas.
Professionalism 20pts


On time, good attendance, understanding of most concepts and completes each assignment with great craftsmanship and turns in on time.
Standard Good/ Approaching

Understanding of concepts but cuts corners when possible. On time but misses more than one or two class periods although responsible for missed assignments.
Approaching/ emerging

Unable to follow instructions but completes assignments with little effort.
Inadequate/ Poor

Misuse of materials and does not apply techniques taught in class. Poor craftsmanship, misses deadlines, and disreguards instructions.


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