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iRubric: Language and Literacy rubric

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Language and Literacy 
Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Methods in Textbooks for Kindergarten Children in Topics of Language and Literacy
Rubric Code: J2CC5B
Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: (Other)  
Grade Levels: K-5, 6-8, 9-12, Undergraduate, Graduate, Post Graduate

Powered by iRubric Developmentally Appropriate Scale
Topics in Language and Literacy

4 pts


3 pts


2 pts


1 pts


Language and Litreacy)


Teacher creates regular opportunities for actively listening, and for students to work in small groups on projects.

Teacher creates some opportunities for actively listening, and for students to work in small groups on projects.

Teacher stress for children to listen to them, BUT providing little to no opportunity for response or discussion.

Teacher focus on children's listening only for purposes involving issues of classroom management.

(Language and Literacy)


Teacher provides opportunities for oral response to stories and information books and provide support in English laguage learners and their home language by providing books, cds, etc in child's home language.

Teacher provides opportunities for some oral responses to stories and information books. Teacher provide support in English laguage learners and their home language by providing some books, cds, etc in child's home language but limited involved of family by teacher communication.

Focused, guided opportunities for response and interactive discussion little to limited. Teacher engages in conversation in small group. Teacher tends to the needs of some English Language learners but conversation is limited.

Little attention given to intentional focus on developing children's speaking abilites in various situations. Teachers provide no support for home langauge of English language learners.

(Language and Literacy)


Teacher engages in conversation both individually and in small group. Conversation is complex with multiple coversational turns, complex ideas, and rich vocabulary and include decontextualized speech (talking about children's here and now.)Teacher enages in conversation and make extra effort for them to comphrend.

Teacher allows for student to engage in small group but limits students in engaged conversation.

Teacher talks with student less and talks to student more limiting chance to see if student has comprehended lesson.

During most of the day children are to watch and be quiet. During group time teacher calls on one student at a time to respond making all others to wait.
Book Reading and Motivation

(Language and Literacy)


Teacher reads aloud everyday, in small and large group when possible. Books are accessible in a library area and other places conductive to their enjoyment and use, good variety of high-quality books (suitable for kindergarteners, reflecting gender, cultural, racial, and social diversity of the group, storybooks, information books and varying reading levels.) Children can listen to audiobooks and follow along in printed book. Teacher follows up on student either in small group or one-on-one.

There is both a good but limited variety of high-quality books (suitable for kindergarteners and reflecting the gender,
cultural, racial, and social diversity of the grou; storybooks and information books; varying reading levels.)

Books in literacy change rarely. Teacher does some but most of the talking when books are discussed. Children sometimes engage in discussions about topics of interest and importance to them but interest are more of teachers interest in books.

Classroom offers children only a small quantity and or/ limited variety of books. Books are kept out of reach (handled only by teacher and children's request.) When teacher ask questions these are frequently at the recall level rather than at levels requiring children to make inferences, think criticallly, and express themselves through the use of new knowledge and vocabulary.
Phonological and Phonemic Awareness

(Language and Literacy)


Teachers introduce engaging oral language experiences(e.g. songs, poems, books, word games) that enhance kindergarten's phonological and phonemic awareness. Teacher assess, takes account where each child is in developing phonological awareness and tailor instruction accordingly.

Teachers introduce engaging oral language experiences but limits it to songs and books. Teacher asses but has delayed instruction according to child's need and progression.

Teachers differentiate some instruction to give students little support where needed and offer some appropriate challeneges to those who are ready to move on.

Teacher gives little to no attention to promote phonological or phonemic awareness. Or they fail to tailor learning experiences according to what children need to progress. Teacher do not build on logical progression of phonoligical and phonemic skills and concepts. Teachers do not differentiate instruction to give students extra support where needed and offer appropriate challeneges to those who are ready to move on.



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