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iRubric: Short Story (CW S1) rubric

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Short Story (CW S1) 
Rubric Code: J24A38B
Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Short Story
  Does Not Meet Expectations

12 pts

Below Expectations

14 pts

Meets Expectations

16 pts

Exceeds Expectations

18 pts


Does Not Meet Expectations

It is hard to tell who the
main characters are and
there is little or no use of
direct or indirect
Below Expectations

The main characters are
named using few direct
and indirect
techniques. The reader
knows very little about the
Meets Expectations

The main characters are
named and described using
some direct and indirect
techniques. Most readers
would have some idea of
what the characters are
Exceeds Expectations

The main characters are
named and clearly
described using variety of
direct and indirect
techniques. Most readers
could describe the
characters accurately.

Does Not Meet Expectations

The reader has trouble
figuring out when and
where the story took place.
Below Expectations

The reader can figure out
when and where the story
took place, but the author
didn't supply much detail
Meets Expectations

Some vivid, descriptive
words are used to tell the
audience when and where
the story took place.
Exceeds Expectations

Many vivid, descriptive
words are used to tell
when and where the story
took place.
Organization of Plot

Does Not Meet Expectations

Ideas and scenes seem to
be randomly arranged.
Below Expectations

The story is a little hard to
follow. The transitions are
sometimes not clear.
Meets Expectations

The story is pretty well
organized. One idea or
scene may seem out of
place. Clear transitions are
Exceeds Expectations

The story is very well
organized. One idea or
scene follows another in a
logical sequence with clear

Does Not Meet Expectations

There is little evidence of
creativity in the story. The
author does not seem to
have used much
Below Expectations

The story contains a few
creative details and/or
descriptions, but they
distract from the story. The
author has tried to use his/
her imagination.
Meets Expectations

The story contains a few
creative details and/or
descriptions that contribute
to the reader's enjoyment.
The author has used his/
her imagination.
Exceeds Expectations

The story contains many
creative details and/or
descriptions that contribute
to the reader's enjoyment.
The author has really used
his/her imagination.
Fluency & Grammar

Does Not Meet Expectations

Sentences lack structure
and appear incomplete or
rambling. Writer makes
more than 4 errors in
grammar or spelling that
distract the reader form the
Below Expectations

Most sentences are well-constructed but have
similar and uninteresting
structure patterns. Writer
makes 3-4 errors in
grammar or spelling that
distract the reader form the
Meets Expectations

Most sentences are well-constructed with varied
and interesting structure
patterns. Writer makes 1-2
errors in grammar or
spelling that distract the
reader form the content.
Exceeds Expectations

All sentences are well-constructed with varied
and interesting structure
patterns. Writer makes no
errors in grammar or
spelling that distract the
reader form the content.
Word Count
  Does Not Meet Expectations

5 pts



Meets Expectation

10 pts

Word Count

Does Not Meet Expectations

Story has less than 5,000 words.
Meets Expectation

Story has 5,000 words or more.



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