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iRubric: KEAN STEM Biology Project Strategy and Quality Rubric

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KEAN STEM Biology Project Strategy and Quality Rubric 
This Rubric matrix measures the students ability to meet the following responsibilities: planning and organization, project deadlines, initiative, quality or work, and personal interaction. The number of selections in each column is multiplied by the weight points per column (e.g. 2 selections in Exceeds Column (2x2 = 4) and 3 in selections in the Meeting Expectations column (3x1.5=4.5 points). Then, points are added (4+4.5 = 9.5). Up to 10 points can be scored from this Rubric.
Rubric Code: J249C6X
Public Rubric
Subject: Biology  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: Graduate

Powered by iRubric Project Strategy and Quality Rubric
  Students is exceeding expectations

2 pts

Student is meeting expectations

1.5 pts

Student is approaching expectations

1 pts

Not meeting expectations

0.5 pts

Planning & Organization

Students is exceeding expectations

Student is an active participant in
the various stages of developing and
implementing project and comes to meetings
prepared for collaboration with mentor and other team members
Student is meeting expectations

Collaborates with faculty support &
encouragement, completes most
tasks adequately
Student is approaching expectations

Passive involvement, requires frequent
support & reminders, tasks incomplete
Not meeting expectations

Minimal involvement despite encouragement
& reminders, tasks incomplete

Students is exceeding expectations

Student consistently meets mutually negotiated
deadlines and completes assigned tasks in an efficient and timely manner
Student is meeting expectations

Collaborates with faculty support & encouragement, completes most tasks adequately
Student is approaching expectations

Passive involvement, requires frequent support &
reminders, tasks incomplete
Not meeting expectations

Minimal involvement despite encouragement
& reminders, tasks incomplete

Students is exceeding expectations

Student consistently takes the initiative to review current literature, develop plan, and propose solutions to problems as they arise
Student is meeting expectations

Collaborates with faculty support & encouragement, completes most tasks adequately
Student is approaching expectations

Passive involvement, requires frequent
support & reminders, tasks incomplete
Not meeting expectations

Minimal involvement despite encouragement & reminders, tasks incomplete
Quality of Work

Students is exceeding expectations

Work consistently demonstrates effort, critical
thought, and a developmentally appropriate
synthesis of information
Student is meeting expectations

Collaborates with faculty support & encouragement, completes most tasks adequately
Student is approaching expectations

Passive involvement, requires frequent support &
reminders tasks incomplete
Not meeting expectations

Minimal involvement despite encouragement
& reminders, tasks incomplete
Personal Interaction

Students is exceeding expectations

Student exhibits a positive attitude and
works well with faculty mentor and other team
members. Takes leadership role when
appropriate, but also demonstrates a
willingness to take direction
Student is meeting expectations

Collaborates with faculty support & encouragement, completes most tasks adequately
Student is approaching expectations

Passive involvement, requires frequent support
&reminders, tasks incomplete
Not meeting expectations

Minimal involvement despite encouragement & reminders, tasks incomplete

  • Cancer, monocytes, macrophages, niclosamide



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