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iRubric: Excel rubric

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Excel Spreadsheet: Open and save a workbook, enter labels and values, edit cell entries, enter formulas, create complex formulas, use Excel functions, format values, use fonts and font sizes, adjust column widths, generate totals with AutoSum, display and print formula contents, preview and modify a worksheet.
Rubric Code: HB3A7X
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Public Rubric
Subject: Computers  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Excel Spreadsheet
Creating, formating and printing
  Highly Proficient


Fairly Proficient


Not Proficient


Column headings and labels.

The column headings are formatted correctly.

Highly Proficient

All of the data is formatted correctly, including applying changes in styles and suze.
Fairly Proficient

Some of data is in appropriate size and font, and some of the column headings, and cells are formatted.
Not Proficient

Most of data is not in appropriate size and font, and the column headings and cells are not formatted.
Correct data entered

Data and headings are accurate and located in the appropriate cells.

Highly Proficient

All of data is entered correctly.
Fairly Proficient

Some of data is entered correctly.
Not Proficient

Most of data is not entered correctly.
Formulas are correct & visible.

AutoSum, appropriate use of Min and Max functions are correct.

Highly Proficient

All of the formulas used are applied correctly.
Fairly Proficient

Some of the formulas are applied correctly.
Not Proficient

Most of formulas used are applied incorrectly.
Spread sheet Formatting & Printing

Correct print area & print features showing. Reveal formulas function used and column widths allow for complete viewing of the contents.

Highly Proficient

Correct print area, Gridlines, and Row and Column Headings features. Reveal formulas function used and column widths adjusted so that entire formulas are visible. Paper set to print in Landscape, not Portrait.
Fairly Proficient

Partially correct print area, Gridlines, or Row and Column Headings used. Reveal formulas feature partially used. Some column widths not adjusted to reveal all formulas. Paper may not be set to Landscape.
Not Proficient

Incorrect print area, no Gridlines, or Row and Column Headings selected. Reveal formulas function not present. Majority of column widths not adjusted to print entire formulas. Paper not set to Landscape.
Use of Internet as a Resorce

Highly Proficient

Is able to connect to the irubric web site via the internet, log on to the site and access the student assignment and the attachments with no or minor assistance.
Fairly Proficient

Has some difficulty in connecting to the irubric web site via the internet, needs moderate assistance in logging on to the site, or in accessing the assignments or attachments.
Not Proficient

Is unable to connect to the web site or the internet, needs major assistance in logging on to the site, or in accessing assignments or attachments.

  • cell, row, column, merge and center, format


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