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iRubric: The Hip Hop Experience Hip Hop Tribute Audition rubric

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The Hip Hop Experience Hip Hop Tribute Audition 
This Rubric is used for the assessment of a solo rap performance.
Rubric Code: H7276A
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Public Rubric
Subject: Music  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric The Hip Hop Experience Hip Hop Trib
  Excellent- Definitely a GO!

Heck Yes! This is Awesome!

4 pts


Not bad~ Not bad!

3 pts

Fair/ Needs Work


2 pts

Poor/Not Acceptable

No- GO!

1 pts

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Articulation Accuracy

Excellent- Definitely a GO!

Articulation is accurate with the markings on the music and consistent with the style that is being performed.

Articulation is accurate with the markings on the music but is not consistent with the style being performed. Isolated errors do not detract from the overall performance.
Fair/ Needs Work

Articulations are somewhat accurate but not characteristic to the style of the music being performed. Frequent or repeated errors occasionally detract from the performance.
Poor/Not Acceptable

Articulations are usually ignored. No style is present. Errors frequently detract from the overall performance
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No attempt is made with articulations. All notes are slurred. No style is present. Errors consistently detract from the overall performance.
Stage Presence

Excellent- Definitely a GO!

Student sits or stands with correct posture for their instrument and is professional in their conduct.

Student has minor issues with posture. Student needs a slight improvement in professionalism (reacting to mistakes, giggling in performance, etc.)
Fair/ Needs Work

Student needs large improvement in posture. Student shows major lapses in judgment in professionalism.
Poor/Not Acceptable

Posture and attitude is unacceptable.
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Excellent- Definitely a GO!

Performance is creative and unique. This act ROCKS!

Performance is creative.
Fair/ Needs Work

There are some aspects of creativity in this performance.
Poor/Not Acceptable

This performance exhibits NO creativity whatsoever!
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Excellent- Definitely a GO!

Performance is energized and exciting! This performance shows great potential.

Performance is energized and exciting. This performance shows potential.
Fair/ Needs Work

Performance is sometimes energized and exciting. Needs lots of room for improvement.
Poor/Not Acceptable

Performance lacks any enthusiasm and excitement.
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Overall Performance

Excellent- Definitely a GO!

Performance is OFF THE HOOK! This act is memorized and convincing.

Performance is good, mostly memorized, and convincing.
Fair/ Needs Work

Some aspects of this performance are good. The act is somewhat memorized, but there are many gaps in the performance.
Poor/Not Acceptable

Performance is unacceptable and not memorized.
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Excellent- Definitely a GO!

The dancer is focused, concentrated and committed to the performance of the movement

The dancer is often focused, concentrated and committed to the performance of the movement.
Fair/ Needs Work

The dancer is seldom focused, concentrated and committed to the performance of the movement.
Poor/Not Acceptable

The dancer is not focused, concentrated and committed to the performance of the movement.
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