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iRubric: Teacher Rubric:  Mystery Rock Oral Report/Power Point

iRubric: Teacher Rubric: Mystery Rock Oral Report/Power Point

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Teacher Rubric: Mystery Rock Oral Report/Power Point 
Rubric Code: H2C8A8
Public Rubric
Subject: Science  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: K-5

Powered by iRubric Mystery Rock
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  Excellent 3


Good 2


Keep Trying 1



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Excellent 3

Presentation is clear, logical, and organized.
Good 2

Presentation is generally clear, logical, and organized
Keep Trying 1

Presentation is sometimes clear and logical.
It is somewhat prepared.
Power Point Presentation

Learning how to make slides, bullet, change font size of lettering and

Excellent 3

Includes a title slide that is complete, an introduction slide, a slide for every test conducted on their rock, a slide revealing their rock's name,and a closing slide.
All slides:
1. are organized creatively and are neatly finished.
2. are bulleted and are easy to read.
3. have slide headings.
4. are written in using complete sentences.
5. contain no errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, or word usage.
Good 2

Include a title slide that is missing an element, an introduction slide, slides for each test conducted, a slide revealing the name of their mystery rock, and a closing slide.
Some sentences not complete.
1-4 errors in spelling, capitlization, punctuation, and word usage combined.
Keep Trying 1

The title slide is missing or incomplete. Missing some of the other required slides.
Many, if not most sentences incomplete.
More than 4 errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and word usage combined.

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Excellent 3

Student speaks clearly and does not mispronounce a word.
Student's voice is loud enough so all of the audience can hear.
Good 2

Student speaks pretty clearly and mispronounces some words.
Student's voice is loud enough for most of the audience to hear.
Keep Trying 1

Student mumbles and does not speak clearly.
Student mispronounces many words.
Student's voice is too quiet for most of the audience to hear.
Eye Contact

Excellent 3

Student maintains eye contact with the audience and seldom reads from their report.
Good 2

Student maintains eye contact with the audience most of the time, but frequently reads from their report.
Keep Trying 1

Student occasionally uses eye contact, but still reads most of their report.


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