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iRubric: Infographic Rubric

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Infographic Rubric 
This is a rubric for grading an Infographic on a topic of the student's choice.
Rubric Code: H24BWA9
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Public Rubric
Subject: Science  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Category
  Points Possible

5 pts

Points Possible

4 pts

Points Possible

3 pts

Points Possible

2 pts

Points Possible

0 pts


Points Possible

Visual layout is uncluttered, well-organized, and arranged
Points Possible

Visual layout is mostly uncluttered, organized, and arranged
Points Possible

Visual layout is somewhat cluttered, and unorganized.
Points Possible

Layout is confusing;
not enough of required elements of project
Points Possible

Points Possible

Colors and font sizes/variations
facilitate organization,
presentation, and readability of information.
Points Possible

Colors and font sizes/variations
do not interfere with the organization,
presentation, and readability of information.
Points Possible

Colors and font sizes/variations
occasionally interfere with the organization,
presentation, and readability of information
Points Possible

Colors and font sizes/variations
hinder organization,
presentation, and readability of information
Points Possible

Points Possible

Covers topic in-depth with details and examples.
Subject knowledge is excellent.
Points Possible

Includes essential knowledge about the topic.
Subject knowledge appears to be good.
Points Possible

Includes essential information about the topic but there might be a factual error.
Subject knowledge appears minimal.
Points Possible

Content is minimal OR there are factual errors.
Subject knowledge questionable.
Points Possible

Points Possible

No errors are evident after proofreading
Points Possible

No more than 2 errors
Points Possible

No more than 4 errors
Points Possible

No more than 5 errors
Points Possible

Points Possible

All graphics are related to the topic and make it easier to understand.
Points Possible

All graphics are related to the topic and most make it easier to understand.
Points Possible

Graphics do not relate to the topic and/or aid the viewer.
Points Possible

No Graphics
Points Possible

  • Infographic

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