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iRubric: History Book Review rubric

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History Book Review 
Students choose a book to read independently and then review. The review incorporates a brief summary of the book as well as information about the book's historical accuracy and citations, author's purpose, and overall impact of the writing.
Rubric Code: H235729
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Public Rubric
Subject: History  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: 9-12, Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Book Review

10 pts


8 pts

Needs Work

6 pts


4 pts

Title/Author Sentence

Inform the reader what you are reviewing.


First paragraph listing title and author is attention-getting and provides information in addition to title and author.

Title and author are both listed immediately, but no other information is provided in that sentence.
Needs Work

Title and author are not immediately mentioned but are eventually provided in a sentence or two.

Title and/or author are not mentioned, or they are written on a separate line instead of in a sentence.

Brief response to summarize the book.


The description is brief, does not seem to give away too much, and is clear and easy to follow. After reading the description, the reader feels curious about the plot.

The review is brief and easy to follow. A bit more information should have been given or too much has been provided. The description lacks interest.
Needs Work

The review is overly complicated, overly simple, or overly boring. Events may also be disorganized.

The review is very minimal, way too detailed, or confusing due to disorganization.
Author's Thesis

What was the author's overall message/argument? What was their thesis?


The author's thesis is clearly and accurately defined and stated. Any bias of the author is clearly pointed out by the reviewer.

The book's thesis is mostly defined or is mostly accurate. The author's bias in their writing is reflected.
Needs Work

The author's thesis is vague or poorly defined.

The review does not mention the author's thesis.

How should we view this as a history book?


The review fairly and expressly assesses the author's overall historical approach by examining the citations/sources for the book and the author's objectivity. They present the author's ability to be a good source for the subject.

The historical analysis is off balance in assessing the author's writing focusing too much on one or the other. There is no clear position on the author's knowledge of the subject area.
Needs Work

A very vague and broad use of generalizations summarize the overall historical quality of the book.

There is no analysis of the nonfiction nature of the work.
Subjective Review

What are your personal reflections on the book?


Student subjectively looks at the author's work with specific, targeted language. There is no vague voice in their writing, they highlight specific likes/dislikes, key things learned, and arguments for or against the author's work, including how the work could have been improved.

Students are mostly subjective in their review. They wander at times with a vague answer, but are largely specific in their critique of the book, good or bad. Areas for author's improvement or any disagreements are potentially found.
Needs Work

The student is too vague in their overall review of the book. The review shows little was learned by the student or a lack of understanding as the outcome. Lack of engagement with the reading.

Lack of specific critiques. Hyper vague responses to the author's work and vague critiques. Does not appear as if student read the book.

Is the paper properly formatted?


The paper is done properly: not less than two, no more than three pages; a proper cover page; 12 point Times New Roman font; 1" margins; double-spaced; citations are properly done in-text. Capital letters are used for proper nouns.
Space is not wasted.

The paper's length is acceptable. Cover page is askew; font not done properly; margins are acceptable; space has been made to create the
Needs Work

The review gives a few points about the author's writing style. However, the style information is general and not unique. Examples are not provided.
Space is wasted to make the

The review gives very minimal information about writing style.

  • history, book review,

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