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iRubric: Array For Thanksgiving rubric

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Array For Thanksgiving 
Students will create multiplication turkeys

Powered by iRubric Array for Thanksgiving
  Expectations Not Met

1 pts

Needs Improvement

2 pts

Meets Expectations

3 pts

Exceeds Expectations

4 pts

Creativity and Neatness

Expectations Not Met

The model is arranged in a sloppy order. The writing is illegible. The information us not clear and did not display any creativity.
Needs Improvement

The model is arranged somewhat neatly. The writing is legible but still sloppy. The information is not colorful or eye-catching.
Meets Expectations

The model is neat. The handwriting is neat. The student displayed all the information in a colorful way.
Exceeds Expectations

The model is eye-catching and colorful. All handwriting is very neat.
Repeated Addition Sentence

Expectations Not Met

No addition sentence is given.
Needs Improvement

The addition sentence is not adding the same amount each time. It does not represent any multiplication sentence.
Meets Expectations

The addition is repeating but it does not match the multiplication sentence being modeled.
Exceeds Expectations

The addition is repeating and matches the multiplication sentence being modeled.
Number Story

Expectations Not Met

The number story does not match the multiplication sentence. It is not written in clear and coherent language. It is difficult to read. Proper language, capitalization and punctuation are not observed
Needs Improvement

The number story matches the multiplication sentence but is not written in clear and coherent language. It is easy to follow and read some of the time. Proper language, capitalization and punctuation may be used, but more than two mistakes.
Meets Expectations

The number story is based on real life events and characters and is in clear and coherent language. Proper language, capitalization and punctuation are present with no more than two mistakes.
Exceeds Expectations

The number story is written in clear and coherent language. It is easy to follow and read. Proper language, capitalization and punctuation are present with no mistakes.
Multiplication sentence

Expectations Not Met

Completely incorrect number sentence.
Needs Improvement

Correct factors were used but incorrect order.
Meets Expectations

Correct factors were used but incorrect product.
Exceeds Expectations

Completely correct number sentence.



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