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iRubric: Geoboard Geometry rubric

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Geoboard Geometry 
Students will use geoboards to create all the different rectangles they can find, record each rectangle on geoboard paper, write as many sentences as they can that begin like "All of the rectangles...", and write as many sentences as they can that begin like "None of the rectangles...".
Rubric Code: GX67C7
Public Rubric
Subject: Math  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: K-5

Powered by iRubric Unit 3, Task 2
  Advanced = 4 pts


Proficient = 3 pts


Progressing = 2 pts


Needs Work = 1 pt


Use of Manipulatives

Advanced = 4 pts

Student always listens and follows directions and only uses manipulatives as instructed.
Proficient = 3 pts

Student typically listens and follows directions and uses manipulatives as instructed most of the time.
Progressing = 2 pts

Student sometimes listens and follows directions and uses manipulatives approprieately when reminded.
Needs Work = 1 pt

Student rarely listens and often "plays" with the manipulatives instead of using them as instructed.

Advanced = 4 pts

Typically, uses an efficient and effective strategy to solve the problem(s).
Proficient = 3 pts

Typically, uses an effective strategy to solve the problem(s).
Progressing = 2 pts

Sometimes uses an effective strategy to solve problems, but does not do it consistently.
Needs Work = 1 pt

Rarely uses an effective strategy to solve problems.
Mathematical Reasoning

Advanced = 4 pts

Uses complex and refined mathematical reasoning.
Proficient = 3 pts

Uses effective mathematical reasoning
Progressing = 2 pts

Some evidence of mathematical reasoning.
Needs Work = 1 pt

Little evidence of mathematical reasoning.

Advanced = 4 pts

All of the terms were listed with correct identification.
Proficient = 3 pts

The team-member contributed equally to the task.
Progressing = 2 pts

The team-member did some of the work.
Needs Work = 1 pt

The team-member tried to do everything by himself/herself OR Let others do all the work.

  • geoboards, geometry, third grade


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