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iRubric: Current Events Rubric

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Current Events Rubric 
Students are to complete a weekly current events report using the following scale as part of their 6th Grade Social Studies Current Event/Special Interest Report.
Rubric Code: GC4XWW
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Public Rubric
Subject: Science  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Current Event/Interest Report
  Meets Standards

5 pts

Approaching Standards

4 pts

Below Standards

3 pts

Does Not Meet Standards

2 pts

Enter Title

1 pts

Article Summary

The article must pertain to a Science, History or current event and a source citation must be provided.

Meets Standards

The article topic has obviously been carefully chosen in the area of history, science or a subject of special interest to the reader/writer. It has been thoroughly labeled and underlined and shows a deep level of comprehension.
Approaching Standards

The article topic has obviously been carefully chosen in the area of history, science or a subject of special interest to the reader/writer, or it has been thoroughly labeled and underlined and shows a deep level of comprehension.
Below Standards

The article topic is related to history, science or a subject of special interest to the reader/writer. It has been clearly labeled and underlined with who, what, when, where, how and why.
Does Not Meet Standards

The article topic is related to history, science or a subject of special interest to the reader/writer. Some labels or some underlines are not present. All six summary areas are not present.
Enter Title

The article topic is related to history, science or a subject of special interest to the reader/writer. Labels and underlines are not present.
Citation and Draft

Meets Standards

The article has been correctly cited. The summary areas from the labeled article(who, what, when, where, how and why) have been expanded into a multi-paragraph piece.
Approaching Standards

The article has been correctly cited. Each summary area from the labeled article(who, what, when, where, how and why) has been expanded into more than one grade-level appropriate sentence.
Below Standards

The article has been correctly cited. Each summary area from the labeled article(who, what, when, where, how and why) has been expanded into at least one complete, grade-level appropriate sentence.
Does Not Meet Standards

The article has been incompletely cited, but a title is present. Each summary area from the labeled article (who, what, when, where, how and why) has been expanded into at least one complete sentence.
Enter Title

The article has been not been cited. Some summary areas from the labeled article (who, what, when, where, how and why) are missing or are not addressed in complete sentences.

Meets Standards

More than two pieces of evidence have been thoughtfully integrated into the report to support the writer's thoughts/ views.
Approaching Standards

Two pieces of evidence have been thoughtfully integrated into the report to support the writer's thoughts/ views.
Below Standards

Two pieces of evidence have been appropriately cited from the article to support the writer's thoughts/views.
Does Not Meet Standards

One piece of evidence has been appropriately cited from the article to support the writer's thoughts/views.
Enter Title

No evidence from the article has been cited.
Reflection Question

Meets Standards

The writer has answered the reflection question: How does this issue affect me (people)? to show deep thinking and understanding and has integrated this understanding throughout the report.
Approaching Standards

The writer has answered the reflection question: How does this issue affect me (people)? to show deep thinking and understanding.
Below Standards

The writer has answered the reflection question: How does this issue affect me (people)? with effort and understanding.
Does Not Meet Standards

The writer has answered the reflection question: How does this issue affect me (people)? with effort or understanding.
Enter Title

The writer has not answered the reflection question.
Revision and Editing

Meets Standards

The piece is a multi-paragraph report. There is evidence of revision and editing on the draft summary exhibiting higher level writing craft.
Approaching Standards

The report consists of at least one proper paragraph. There is evidence of revision and editing on the draft summary exhibiting higher level writing craft.
Below Standards

The report consists of at least one proper paragraph. There is evidence of revision and editing on the draft summary. Quotations used as evidence are appropriately punctuated.
Does Not Meet Standards

The report consists of at least one proper paragraph. There is some evidence of revision and editing on the draft summary. Quotations are used in supporting evidence.
Enter Title

The report does not consist of at least one proper paragraph. There is little to no evidence of revision and editing on the draft summary. Quotations are improper or nonexistent.

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