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iRubric: 9 Hole Mini-golf Project rubric

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9 Hole Mini-golf Project 
Students will design a 9 hole mini-golf course using Geometric Concepts. They will draw/determine the path of a ball to sink a hole in one using the protractor tool to determine angle reflections.
Rubric Code: GC4B73
Public Rubric
Subject: Math  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Mini Golf Project
  Exceeds Expectations


Meet Expectations


Meets Minimal Expectations


Below Expectations


Number of holes

Exceeds Expectations

Exceed number of holes by 2 or more
Meet Expectations

Complete design of 9 holes
Meets Minimal Expectations

Complete design of 6-8 holes
Below Expectations

Complete design of 5 or less holes

Exceeds Expectations

All additional holes contain turns to make the course difficult but not impossible to make in one putt.
Meet Expectations

All 9 holes contain turns to make the course difficult but not impossible to make in one putt
Meets Minimal Expectations

6-8 holes contain turns to make the course difficult but not impossible to make in one putt
Below Expectations

5 or less holes contain turns to make the course difficult but not impossible to make in one putt
Hole in one tracking

Exceeds Expectations

All additional holes have the path necessary for a hole in one
Meet Expectations

All 9 holes have the path necessary for a hole in one
Meets Minimal Expectations

6 to 8 holes have the path necessary for a hole in one
Below Expectations

5 or less holes have the path necessary for a hole in one
Layout Diversity

Exceeds Expectations

All additional holes have a different layout
Meet Expectations

All 9 holes have different layouts/obstacle placement
Meets Minimal Expectations

6 to 8 holes have different layouts/obstacle placement
Below Expectations

5 or less holes have different layouts/obstacle placement
Golf Course Model

Exceeds Expectations

Create a 3-D model using SK-UP or Foam Board illustrating Hole-in-one paths
Meet Expectations

Create a 2-D model illustrating Hole-in-one paths
Meets Minimal Expectations

Illustrating Hole-in-one paths on courses provided by the teacher
Below Expectations

Can not get Hole-in-one but shows reflection

Exceeds Expectations

Scale is correct and consistent throughout the entire course
Meet Expectations

Scale is correct, but 1 hole may not follow the scale
Meets Minimal Expectations

Scale is correct, but more than 1 hole may not follow the scale
Below Expectations

Scale is incorrect throughout the course. The scale is unclear
Parts of a Golf Hole

Exceeds Expectations

All constraints of the hole design were correctly followed. Area and perimeter are calculated correctly
Meet Expectations

Most constraints of the hole design were correctly followed- i.e., correct size. Area and perimeter are calculated correctly
Meets Minimal Expectations

Some constraints of the hole design were followed - i.e., may be too wide in parts, have circular side. Area and perimeter may not be calculated correctly
Below Expectations

The constraints of the hole design were not followed- i.e., area and perimeter too large. Area and perimeter were not calculated correctly


Exceeds Expectations

Create an organized, effective and engaging argument that incorporates and transcends what was taught
Meet Expectations

Create an organized and effctive argument that incorporates what was taught
Meets Minimal Expectations

Create an organized and effctive argument that incorporates what was taught
Below Expectations

Create an organized and effctive argument that incorporates what was taught


Exceeds Expectations

Communication of the argument is clear, formal, legible, effective AND engaging
Meet Expectations

Communication of the argument is clear, formal, legible, and effective
Meets Minimal Expectations

Communication of the argument is clear, formal, legible, effective
Below Expectations

Communication of the argument is clear, formal, legible, effective

Supporting Evidence

Exceeds Expectations

Provide evidence that is appropriate in quantity and quality, clear, focused, relevant AND engaging
Meet Expectations

Provide evidence that is appropriate in quantity and quality, clear, focused, relevant
Meets Minimal Expectations

Provide evidence that is appropriate in quantity and quality, clear, focused, relevant
Below Expectations

Provide evidence that is appropriate in quantity and quality, clear, focused, relevant

  • mini golf, reflections, hole in one.



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