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iRubric: Power Point Presentation: Thomas Paine & Common Sense rubric

iRubric: Power Point Presentation: Thomas Paine & Common Sense rubric

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Power Point Presentation: Thomas Paine & Common Sense 
Research and create a presentation to show classmates so they can learn about Thomas Paine and Common Sense.
Rubric Code: G46X73
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Research report/Presentation
Informational video about CyberWarfare

Shows none to very little effort.

10 pts


Shows minimal effort to limited effort.

15 pts


Shows significant effort.

18 pts


Shows outstanding effort.

20 pts


Clear, concise information with audience appeal.


Information was not interesting or was very incomplete, demonstrating little effort. Lacks logical sequence. Includes very little information (one or two facts) about the topic.

Presented info that seemed limited or disorganized, Lacked interest or was disjointed. Includes some facts, but randomness distracts from the presentation.

Presented info that was clear and interesting, but that lacked completeness, was inappropriate or did not flow well. Included enough information to show significant effort.

Presented info that was clear, complete, interesting and appropriate with a clear, articulate flow. Written clearly and concisely with a logical progression of ideas & information.
Layout/Text Elements/Graphics

Visually pleasing with appropriate layouts and fonts.Consistent and pleasing visual theme.


Visually unappealing. Misuse of templates, color, fonts, text, white space or special effects leaves an unfavorable impression.Clip art, pictures, sound, animation, charts and video are not included in any significant form. Thus, does not enhance the content or assist in understanding.

Visually distracting. Inappropriate use of templates, color, fonts or white space creates confusion and detracts from the presentation. Screens seem cluttered or too busy.Clip art, pictures, sound, animation, charts and video are not consistent with understanding the information and content, lacks consistency or has errors.

Visually pleasing in most areas. Some inappropriate use of templates, color, fonts or white space; overall impression is good. Some use of text/effects detracts from readability.Clip art, pictures, sound, animation, charts and video assist the audience in understanding the flow of information and content, but lacks consistency or has errors.

Visually pleasing. Contributes to the overall message with appropriate use of headings, white space, font size, color, etc. Use of text & special effects enhances readability.Clip art, pictures, sound, animation, charts and video are appropriate and assist in presenting the overall theme. There is a consistent visual theme with no errors.
Required Elements

EAch group was given specific, required elements/topic


Missed the mark. Many required elements of the research assignment are missing. Very little effort made to learn about the topic and very little effort made to put it into form to present to the class.

Some required elements were missing, although an attempt was made to fulfill required elements of the assignment for the group.

All required elements were present, and a good effort was made to present to the class about the content learned through research..

Not only were all required elements were present, but the group went above and beyone expectations by including additional information and facts pertinent to the assignment.
Use of Class Time

Use your time wisely to research and build your presentation.


A lot of time wasted in class by most of the group members. Very little attemot made by group leader to motivate group members. Results of project show lack of motivation and learning.

Moments of watsed time present and show in the final product. Group leader may have tried to reign in group members, but ultimately to no avail. Perhaps one person ended up do a lot more work.

Time was utilized fully. Group did not need the teacher to remimd them often to stay on task. Group leader effectviely motivated and directed the group.

Not only was time utilized fully, the final product shows all group memebers contributed and went above and beyond expectations. Project was completed in a timely fashion, with no distractions.

Spelling and grammar count.


More than 8 errors in spelling or grammar, including capitalizations and punctuation.

Seven or fewer misspellings and or grammatical errors, including capitalizations and punctuation.

Three or fewer misspellings and/or grammatical errors, including capitalizations and punctuation.

No misspellings or grammatical errors including capitalizations and punctuation.

  • Thomas Paine, Common Sense, American Literature, English


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