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iRubric: Performance Assessment Rubric: Choir

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Performance Assessment Rubric: Choir 
Vocal performance assessment for choir performances
Rubric Code: G24B897
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Public Rubric
Subject: Music  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Vocal Performance
  Superior Performance

5 pts

Excellent Performance

4 pts

Proficient Performance

3 pts

Needs improvement

2 pts

Insufficient Evidence

1 pts

Pitch/Intonation & Rhythm/Tempo

Superior Performance

Virtually no errors. All pitches are accurate and in tune. All rhythms and tempos are accurate and in tempo.
Excellent Performance

The intonation is secure and the pitches are mostly accurate. Student stays on their part with very little errors. The tempo/beat is secure and the rhythms are mostly accurate.
Proficient Performance

There are some incorrect pitches & intonation is somewhat inconsistent-the student is able to get back in tune with the group. There are some incorrect rhythms & tempo is somewhat inconsistent-the student is able to get back in rhythm with the group.
Needs improvement

Some pitches are accurate, but there are many and/or repeated errors. Student strays from their voice part. Intonation is inconsistent. The tempo/beat is inconsistent. Some rhythms are accurate, but there are many and/or repeated errors.
Insufficient Evidence

Very few accurate pitches and performance is consistently out of tune. Student does not hold their part or does not know their part. Very few accurate rhythms and tempo is not secure. The student is not a secure part singer at this time.
Tone Quality/Beauty

Superior Performance

Tone Quality is beautifully placed, consistently free and open throughout, and fully supported by the breath.
Excellent Performance

Tone Quality is placed correctly, consistently free and open through the normal range, mostly controlled throughout extreme ranges, and supported by the breath.
Proficient Performance

Tone Quality is placed correctly more than half of the time, free and open through most of the normal range but not controlled throughout extreme ranges, and somewhat supported by the breath.
Needs improvement

Tone Quality is not placed correctly, is not free and open in normal and extreme ranges, and is not supported by the breath. Concepts of Ping, Space, and how to breathe are somewhat evident but not executed to any degree of proficiency.
Insufficient Evidence

Concepts of Ping, Space, and how to breathe are not evident.

Superior Performance

Student balances his or her part with the rest of the ensemble perfectly throughout the performance.
Excellent Performance

Student balances his or her part with the rest of the ensemble most of the time throughout the performance.
Proficient Performance

Student balances his or her part with the rest of the ensemble inconsistently throughout the performance.
Needs improvement

Student balances his or her part with the rest of the ensemble very little throughout the performance and does not understand the concept of ensemble verses solo.
Insufficient Evidence

Student does not balance his or her part with the rest of the ensemble.

Superior Performance

Student articulates clearly and all of the text is easily understood. All initial, ending, and interior consonants are clearly formed.
Excellent Performance

Student articulates the words and most of the text is understood. Initial and ending consonants are clearly formed but a few final or initial consonants are missing. Interior consonants are evident but not consistent.
Proficient Performance

Student articulates the words using initial and ending consonants most of the time. Interior consonants are missing most of the time.
Needs improvement

Student sometimes articulates the words but the words of the text often lack clear beginning and ending consonant sounds.
Insufficient Evidence

Student rarely articulates the words and the text is not intelligible.

  • Individual, Vocal, Choir, Music, Audition


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