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iRubric: Kinematics rubric

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Rubric Code: G24A652
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Public Rubric
Subject: Physics  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: (none)

Powered by iRubric Kinematics
  O (Outstanding)

4 pts

E (Exceeds Expectations)

3 pts

A (Acceptable)

2 pts

P (Poor)

1 pts

D (Dreadful)

0 pts


O (Outstanding)

All of the work is correct (100% correct)
E (Exceeds Expectations)

Most of the work is correct (76-99% correct)
A (Acceptable)

Some of the work is correct (50-75% correct)
P (Poor)

Most of the work is incorrect (<50% correct)
D (Dreadful)

None of the work is correct (0%)

O (Outstanding)

Student's explanation was clear, descriptive, and lead to the entire group understanding how to answer questions in that topic
E (Exceeds Expectations)

Student's explanation was clear, descriptive, and lead to most of the group understanding how to answer questions in that topic
A (Acceptable)

Student's explanation was clear and descriptive
P (Poor)

Student's explanation was unclear or not very descriptive
D (Dreadful)

Student's explanation was incorrect or led to greater confusion than when the group began.
Algebraic Skills

O (Outstanding)

Student was able to solve each problem algebraically, in terms of the 6 kinematic variables
E (Exceeds Expectations)

Student was able to solve most problem algebraically, in terms of the 6 kinematic variables
A (Acceptable)

Student was able to solve some problems algebraically, in terms of the 6 kinematic variables
P (Poor)

Student was able to solve few problems algebraically, in terms of the 6 kinematic variables
D (Dreadful)

Study was unable to solve any problems algebraically.

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