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iRubric: Persuasive Essay rubric

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This is used to assess student's persuasive essays.

Powered by iRubric Persuasive Essay
Craft a well organized, thought-provoking essay with a solidly back up argument.
  Needs Work

2 pts

Approaching Proficiency

3 pts


4 pts


5 pts

Thesis Statement

Provide a clear thesis statement to set the tone for your essay.

Needs Work

Thesis statement is unclear or unidentifiable.
Approaching Proficiency

Thesis statement identifies position and outlines one main point of essay.

Thesis statement identifies position, purpose of essay, and outlines three or more main points of essay.

Thesis statement identifies position, purpose of the essay, and clearly outlines all main points of essay.
Support and Evidence

Provide at least three valid and accurate sources to support your argument.

Needs Work

Provides one piece of evidence that supports position. Source is not cited or is questionable.
Approaching Proficiency

Includes less than three pieces of evidence that support position. Sources are questionable.

Includes three or more pieces of evidence from valid sources that support position.

Includes three or more pieces of evidence from valid sources that support position. Provides at least one counter-argument.
Organization and Substance

Clearly organize the essay into a beginning, middle, and end. Use compelling language and ideas to keep reader interested.

Needs Work

There is no clear beginning, middle, and end. Writing is disorganized, aimless, and difficult to read.
Approaching Proficiency

Essay has a beginning, middle, and end. Essay is hard to follow and not very compelling.

Essay has a beginning, middle, and end. Essay is organized but not very compelling.

Essay has a clear opening, solid body, and effective conclusion. Essay is compelling and easy to read.

Ensure the essay is easy to follow and understand by clearly transitioning from one main point to another.

Needs Work

Transitions between ideas are unclear or nonexistent.
Approaching Proficiency

Some transitions work well but may not connect ideas clearly.

Transitions show how ideas are connected but there is little variety.

A variety of thoughtful transitions are used. They clearly show how ideas are connected.

Close the essay with a strong conclusion that reiterates the thesis statement.

Needs Work

The conclusion is unclear, unrecognizable, and there is no use of thesis.
Approaching Proficiency

The conclusion is recognizable but no use of thesis.

The conclusion is recognizable and the thesis is mentioned again.

The conclusion is clear and leaves the reader solidly understanding author's position. Effective second use of thesis.

Use proper grammar, sentence structure, spelling, and punctuation.

Needs Work

Makes many errors in grammar or spelling. Does not use proper sentence structure. Has many errors in punctuation.
Approaching Proficiency

Makes no more than three errors in grammar or spelling. Uses proper sentence structure most of the time and has no more than three errors in punctuation.

Makes no more than one error in grammar or spelling. Uses proper sentence structure and has no more than one error in punctuation.

Makes no errors in the grammar or spelling. Uses proper sentence structure and has no errors in punctuation.

The student will set a personal learning goal and assess their work with the goal throughout the process of essay writing.

Needs Work

No learning goal was set and no self assessment checks were made.
Approaching Proficiency

The learning goal was set but did not align with standard and few self assessment checks were made.

The learning goal was set and aligned with the standard and self assessment checks were made throughout most of the unit.

The learning goal was set, aligned with the standard and the self assessment checks were made consistently throughout the unit.

  • persuasive, essay, formative, assessment



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