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iRubric: Informative Speech RUBRIC

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Informative Speech RUBRIC 
Students will give an informative speech about a topic they select. They will be assessed on content, delivery, and the outline written work.
Rubric Code: FXA8WC7
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Public Rubric
Subject: Communication  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Informative Speech Assessment

10 pts


7.5 pts


5 pts

Needs Improvement

2.5 pts

10 pts


Excellent attention-getter. Related to audience, credibility established, gave very brief introduction of topic, and stated claim, (i.e. point you'll be trying to prove)previewed the main points. Clearly stated the relevance of topic to audience needs and interests.

The speaker introduced the speech adequately, including an attention getter and a preview of the main points of the speech. Claim wasn't clearly expressed. Relevance of topic to audience needs and interests was somewhat apparent.

The speaker introduced the speech, but some details were unclear. The introduction lacked an attention getter and/or a preview of main points.
Needs Improvement

The speaker failed to introduce the speech OR the introduction was not useful in indicating what the speech was about.
Thesis statement/Main Idea
10 pts


Thesis statement incorporates general and specific goals and previews main points of the speech. Provides a blueprint for the speech body organization.

Thesis statement incorporates general and specific goals and previews main points of the speech. Still provides a blueprint for the speech body organization.

Thesis statement incorporates only general and previews only one or two main points of the speech. Doesn't really provide a blueprint for the speech body organization.
Needs Improvement

Thesis statement does not incorporate general and specific goals, nor previews main points of the speech. Speech body organization unclear. Doesn't provide a blueprint for the speech body organization.
10 pts


Main points work within the steps and are clearly distinguished with supporting details. Transitions are effectively used for coherent movement from point to point.

General organization was not clear or well-developed. Transitions were okay, but not as unique or distinct as the could be.

The general organization lacked detail to the extent that some persuasive impact was compromised. Transitions need work.
Needs Improvement

The speech was difficult to follow due to a lack of organization. Little detail was given to support the main points. Difficult to identify introduction, body, and conclusion.
Background/Subject Knowledge
10 pts

Clearly research was done in speech preparation and modified to meet the needs of the audience. Use of an an ethical approach.


Depth of content reflects knowledge and understanding of topic. Main points adequately and ethically substantiated with timely, relevant and sufficient support. <BR>
Thoughtful audience analysis reflected through choice of topic and supporting evidence.

Provided accurate explanation of key concepts.Provides some support for main points, but needed to elaborate further with explanations, examples, descriptions, etc. Support is relevant, but could be stronger.<BR> Use of an an ethical approach.
Good audience analysis reflected through choice of topic and content.

Provides very minor amounts of content and little support for main points. Explanations of concepts are a bit weak or incomplete. Listeners gain minimal knowledge from presentation. <BR>
Topic seems somewhat relevant to audience, but not explicitly stated. Ethical approach could be more obvious. Vague reference to audience needs and/or interests.<BR>
Considering interests of audience didn't seem paramount in topic and or/content.
Needs Improvement

Provides irrelevant or no support. Explanations of concepts are inaccurate or incomplete. Ethical approach could be more obvious. Listeners gain little knowledge form presentation. No attempt made to connect topic to targeted audience.
10 pts


Good transition alerted audience to the presentation conclusion. The speaker summarized the main points, tied back to the introduction to bring the speech full circle, and left the audience with a powerful clincher

Good transition alerted audience to the presentation conclusion.The speaker recapped main points but missed at least one key component of conclusion (call to action, clincher, tie-back to intro...etc.)

Good transition was weak or not present; the speaker concluded the speech in a disorganized fashion. Two or more important components were not present.
Needs Improvement

No transition and the conclusion ended rather abruptly. Most parts of conclusion were missing.
10 pts

Facial expression, pitch, projection, articulation and verbal fillers


Natural variation of vocal characteristics (pace, pitch, power, pauses, articulation) in Standard English to heighten interest and match message appropriately. Few, if any, verbal fillers.Body language reflects comfort interacting with audience. The speaker maintained good posture.

Some limited variation of vocal characteristics. Use of pace, pitch, power and pauses seemed inconsistent at times. Some verbal fillers.Gestures were fine--though were limited.

The student could be heard most of the time but at certain points were inaudible and/or inarticulate. Little pitch variation. Pacing was too slow/fast. Verbal fillers were noticeable and frequent. Body language reflects some discomfort interacting with audience.
Needs Improvement

Audience had difficulty hearing and/or understanding much of the speech due to monotone or inappropriate variation of vocal characteristics. Inconsistent with verbal message. Excessive fluency errors interfered with message comprehension. Excessive use of vocalized fillers.Body language reflects a reluctance to interact with audience. Use of self-adaptive, repetitive or nervous behaviors.
Eye Contact
10 pts

Consistent eye contact with all sides of room.


Consistently and effectively used eye contact to establish rapport with audience. Inconspicuous use of speaker notes and effective use of scanning to established an expanded zone of interaction.

The speaker looked up occasionally and focused on just a few people during the speech. Some use of speaker notes. Seemed a bit disengaged from audience for short periods of time.

Conspicuous use of speaker notes. Seems disengaged from audience for noticeable periods of time.
Needs Improvement

The speaker seldom looked at the audience. Reads speech from notes. Avoided eye contact with audience. Only occasional and sporadic glances.
Works Cited
10 pts

Four credible sources in alphabetical order, formated in MLA


At least 2 credible sources listed in alphabetical order, formatted using the MLA guidelines.

1 credible source listed not formatted correctly

1 credible source not formatted correctly or mising information.
Needs Improvement

No Works Cited sheet
10 pts

Speaker submitted outline for review by deadline.


Consistent with clearly
and properly labeled
Title, Introduction, Thesis statement, Body,Main points, Sub-points
in short sentences. Transitions,

Most of the time, clear
and properly labeled
Title, Specific Purpose,
Central Idea,
Title, Introduction, Thesis statement, Body,Main points, Sub-points
in short sentences. Transitions,
Conclusion. .

had Title, Introduction, Thesis statement, Body,Main points, Sub-points
in short sentences. Transitions,
Conclusion. Rarely had
Main points, Subpoints
in short
Needs Improvement

Complete lack of
clarity with: Title, Introduction, Thesis statement, Body,Main points, Sub-points
in short sentences. Transitions,
10 pts

3-8 min.


kept within required time frame

Less than 4 mins

3 mins
Needs Improvement

Did not complete speech
Slide Show
10 pts

14 Slides


14 Slides and speech is coordianted with slides. All slides meet requirements.

14 Slides and speech is coordianted with slides. All slides meet requirements.

Less than 14 Slides. Speech is not coordianted with slides. slides do not meet requirements.
Needs Improvement

Slides not present.

  • persuasion, speech, presentation

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