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iRubric: Book Report Powerpoint Rubric

iRubric: Book Report Powerpoint Rubric

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Book Report Powerpoint Rubric 
Rubric Code: FX5C538
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Book Report PowerPoint
  Level 1

1 pts

Level 2

2 pts

Level 3

3 pts

Level 4

4 pts

Title Slide

Level 1

Title slide is present but contains no information
Level 2

Title slide is correct but lacks much of the required information or has unnecessary information
Level 3

Title slide is present, but lacks complete information or contains unnecessary information
Level 4

Title slide is present and contains student name, book title, author, and publishing date

Level 1

Setting slide contains little or no information
Level 2

Setting slide is incomplete or inaccurate, or contains a large portion of information that is not related to setting
Level 3

Setting is adequately described and contains most of the information that allows viewer to understand time, place of action, and what environment may be like
Level 4

Setting contains all information and allows viewer to fully understand what the time, place of action and environment is like

Level 1

No description of main characters, only a list of names
Level 2

Incomplete or inaccurate of main characters
Level 3

Adequate descriptions and character sketches of main charaters. Give enough information so the viewers have some sense of who the characters are as people
Level 4

Complete description of main characters and character sketches. Gives plenty of information so the viewer feels as though he/she understands what makes the characters tick

Level 1

No discussion of conflict
Level 2

Discussion of conflict but does not go into what type of conflict nor does discussion identify conflict as internal or external. May have one present but not the other and does not discuss how the conflict was developed
Level 3

Discussion of conflict may tell what type of conflict and identify the conflict as external or internal, but lacks how the conflict was developed
Level 4

Discussion includes type of conflict, conflict is internal or external, discusses how the conflict was developed
Plot Summary

Level 1

Inadequate plot summary
Level 2

Incomplete or inaccurate plot summary. May include way too much information that gives too much of the book away
Level 3

Adequate plot summary including some discussion of plot elements (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution)
Level 4

Complete plot summary that includes a full discussion of plot elements (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution)

Level 1

No discussion of theme
Level 2

May give a theme but it is not a statement about life or what lesson was learned from reading the book
Level 3

Gives a theme but does not discuss how the theme is supported in the book -or- uses fewer than 3 pieces of evidence
Level 4

Gives a full discussion of theme, including a univeral truth and discussion of how the book supports the theme using 3 pieces of evidence
PoV and Symbolism

Level 1

Little or no discussion of point of view and symbolism in the novel
Level 2

States point of view with no explanation; Mentions symbol with no explanation
Level 3

Includes point of view, explaining how the story would be different if the author chose another point of view; Includes symbol and explains the symbolism and how it affected the story
Level 4

Includes point of view, explaining in detail what this point of view helps the reader understand and how the story would be different if the author chose another point of view; Includes symbol and explains in detail the symbolism and how it affected the story

Level 1

No recommendation
Level 2

No justification for recommendation
Level 3

Adequate justification for recommendation
Level 4

Convincing, reasonable justification for recommendation

Level 1

Several graphics are unattractive adn detract from the content of the presentation. presentation contains 0-1 graphics
Level 2

All graphics are attractive but a few dod not seem to support the content of the presentation. Presentation contains at least 2-3 graphics
Level 3

A few graphics are not attractive but all support the content of the presentation. Presentation contains at least 4 graphics
Level 4

All graphics are attractive (size and colors) and support the content of the presentation. Presentation contains at least 5 or more graphics that enhance the presentaiton
Oral Presentation

Level 1

Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces tersms, speaks too quietly for students in back of class to hear. Only reads from the slides
Level 2

Student's voice is low. Student incorrectly pronounces terms. Audience has difficulty hearing. Gives little new information that is not included on the slides
Level 3

Student's voice is clear. Students pronounces most words correctly. Most audience memebers can hear presentation. Contains some information that is not on the slides
Level 4

Students uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of words so that all audience members can hear presentation. A good bit of the information covered is done orally and not on the slides


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