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iRubric: Commedia Dell' arte Performance rubric

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Commedia Dell' arte Performance 
Rubric Code: FX59A9C
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Public Rubric
Subject: Arts and Design  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Commedia Performance

5 pts


4 pts


3 pts


2 pts

Very limited

1 pts

Commedia Themes


Commedia themes are very clear in the performance. Actors maintain the physical styles of traditional characters very clearly. eg. Pantalone

Commedia themes are clear in the performance. Actors maintain the physical styles of traditional characters clearly. eg. Pantalone

Commedia themes are mostly present in the performance. Actors maintain the physical styles of tradition characters at times.

Commedia themes are sometimes in the performance. Actors sometimes maintain the physical styles of traditional characters. eg .Pantalone
Very limited

Commedia themes are not present in the performance. Actors do not at all maintain the physical styles of traditional characters. eg. Pantalone


Is interesting, not typical, humorous and/or dramatic, or unique plot (beginning, conflict, resolution, and end.)

80% is unique, aspects have been done before, or storyline and/or humour is only ok.

Somewhat unique, but only 50% of elements have been copied and/or storyline and humour are fair

Somewhat unique, but at least 25% of elements are copied and/or storyline and humour are fair
Very limited

Not interesting; have seen the storyline and most of the elements before.
Voice/ Characterization


Can hear actors well.

Well-developed characters (stayed in character throughout the performance)

Can hear actors at least 80% of the time.

Characters are strong, but not so well developed as could be with more recognizable gesturing

Can hear the actors most of the time (50+%)

Characters are somewhat developed and/or not clear.
(more gesture, body language and facial expression required for audience understanding)

Can hear actors at least 25% of the time.

Characters are not developed.
Needs improvement through closer attention to gesture, body language and facial expression
Very limited

Cannot hear actors well, or can hear well only 10% of the time or less.

Characters not distinguishable; little evidence of gesture, vocal/physical/facial expression.
Blocking/ Movement


Movement well-planned, intentional; helps tell the story and enhance presentation.

Movement is mainly intentional and well-planned; some random movements that do not add to the performance.

Movement is varied somewhat, about 50%.

Most of the movement adds to the performance, but many intentions are not clear to the audience.

Movement is not strong.

Movement is random or unplanned; does not add to the performance.
Very limited

Little or no effort made in blocking.

Movements random and do not enhance the performance.
Reflection and Evaluation


The student reflects critically and in depth on his/her development and processes and identifies strategies that have been particularly effective.

The student skilfully evaluates his/her skills, identifying strengths and weaknesses.

The student receives feedback constructively and intentionally uses it to inform his/her performance without guidance

The student reflects critically on his/her artistic development and processes and identifies areas that have been particularly easy or challenging.

--generally able to identify strengths or weaknesses in their skills

The student receives feedback constructively and intentionally uses it to inform his/her performance with little guidance.

The student reflects on his/her artistic development and processes but with limited explanation.

--occasionally able to identify strengths and weaknesses, but not completely and with little effect.

The student accepts and applies feedback with continual guidance.

The student records his/her artistic process but with limited reflection.

--limited identification of strengths and weaknesses--incomplete and mostly ineffective

The student is not consistently open to feedback and applies very little to performance.
Very limited

The student logs dates of artistic process but with no reflection

--student does not therefore identify areas of strength or weakness; no development of role possible

The student does not respond to feedback, nor consider suggestions from group or teacher.
Artistic Awareness & Engagement


The student shows excellent commitment to skills, performance development.

--actively engages with the task and supports, encourages and works with peers in a positive way

The student shows consistent commitment to skills and performance.

--consistently engages with the task and supports, encourages and works with peers in a positive way

The student shows satisfactory commitment to the performance, but with little attention to skills and story-building.

--engages with the task and supports, encourages and works with peers in a positive way with encouragement

The student shows limited commitment to the skills, story-building and performance

--minimal engagement with task and peers but will work with encouragement
Very limited

The student invested little time, effort, or focus on skills/story development

--minimal engagement with task and peers

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