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iRubric: Mock Trial Rubric--Lawyers

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Mock Trial Rubric--Lawyers 
This rubric will evaluate the participation of a student based on preparedness, behavior, attitude, attendance, and social interaction while preparing for the Business Law Mock Trial.
Rubric Code: FX3654B
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Private Rubric
Subject: Law  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 9-12

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10 pts

Above Average

8 pts


6 pts


4 pts

Student/Teacher Score


Active Involvement


Student is constantly engaged in the motions or proceedings. Frequently appraises, assesses, and analyzes evidence and introduces timely and relevant objections and motions.
Above Average

Student is often engaged in the motions or proceedings. Student could participate more by making additional timely and relevant objections and motions.

Student is engaged in the process but needs regular reminders to get back on task and make motions and objections. Student can be distracting to teacher and classmates.

Student is not involved with the class activity. Student needs constant reminders to get back on task. Student is distracting to the class as a whole.
Student/Teacher Score


Student formulated research and assembled relevant briefs, motions, and information for the class. Student evaluates information and can compare and contrast facts while synthesizing them with the law.
Above Average

Student usually completes research and/or is ready with required materials for the class. Student gathers and evaluates most of the facts and can incorporate them with the relevant law.

Student sometimes completes research and/or has materials. Student comprehends the idea of comparing and contrasting law with facts and usually applies the proper facts to the correct law.

Student did not complete required research and/or assignments. Student contributed little or nothing at all to the overall activity. Student is not able to apply the facts to the relevant law.
Student/Teacher Score


Student talks clearly, loud enough for all to hear; was confident and persuasive in their opening/closing statements; asked relevent questions in direct and cross examination effectively; answered all questions put forth; rarely or did not use notes. Compared and contrasted law with facts.
Above Average

Student spoke clearly most of the time; was loud enough most of the time; was confident and persuasive in their opening/closing statements most of the time; asked relevent questions most of the time effectively; answered almost all questions posed; used notes at times.

Student mumbled at times; spoke quietly some of the time; at times lacked confidence and persuasiveness in opening/closing statements; did not ask relevent questions or was ineffective in asking questions; answered many questions posed; used notes often.

Student was difficult to hear; student was not confident or persuasive in opening/closing statements; student did not ask relevent questions; could answer few questions posed by teacher or class; used notes most of the time.
Student/Teacher Score


Student is positive about the activities being learned in class and sets the example for students around him/her.
Above Average

Student is positive about the activities being done in class.

Student is neutral about the activities. Student spreads mixed feelings around the class, both positive and negative.

Student has a negative attitude. Student makes the experience bad for others around him/her.
Student/Teacher Score
Work Product


Student had opening and closing statements well prepared; had a complete list of questions for direct and cross examination; developed effective arguments and trial strategies;distinguished roles of judge and jury & prosecution and defense perfectly
Above Average

Student had a good opening/closing statement prepared; had a good list of questions for direct and cross examination; distinguished most of the duties between judge and jury; prosecution and defense

Student had acceptable opening/closing statements prepared; student had an incomplete list of questions for direct/cross examination;distinguished some of the duties between judge and jury and between roles of prosecution and defense

Student had poor opening/closing statements prepared; student did not have a complete list of questions; could not distinguish roles of judge or jury or other significant courtroom personnel
Student/Teacher Score

  • criminal pre trial and courtroom primer

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