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iRubric: Lesson Plan Rubric

iRubric: Lesson Plan Rubric

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Lesson Plan Rubric 
Based on class discussion as well as models of lesson plan rubrics we discussed in class
Rubric Code: FB2C94
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Public Rubric
Subject: Education  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: (none)

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  Not Present

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1 pts


2 pts


3 pts

Initial Planning
What the teacher thinks about first. Includes questions such as: What do my students already know? What individual interests/needs do my students have?
Historical Background

information may be included in the Unit advance materials but LP must tell teacher specifically where to look and what information to read

Not Present

Does not provide an explanation of the concepts addressed in the lesson that is thorough or historically accurate
plagiarizes/does not provide references

Provides explanations of the concepts addressed in the lesson that are mostly not thorough nor historically accurate

Provides appropriate references; does not plagiarize

In the author’s own words
Provides an explanation of the concepts addressed in the lesson that is mostly thorough and historically accurate

Provides appropriate references; does not plagiarize

Provides an explanation of the concepts addressed in the lesson that is thorough and historically accurate (includes appropriately referenced graphics, where needed to support the explanation).

Provides appropriate references; does not plagiarize.

A complete bibliography with working links to online sources is provided.
Curriculum & Standards

Not Present

The lesson provides no connection to state content standards (TEKS).

The lesson provides limited connection to state content standards (TEKS).

Connections to the identified standards are obvious in some but not all major phases of the lesson plan.

The lesson provides significant and clear connections to state content standards (TEKS) in all major phases of the lesson plan.

Not Present

Does not incorporate any standard(s) from other content areas.

Attempts to incorporate standard(s) from another content area, but relationship to the primary lesson standard is unclear, inappropriate, superficial, or inadequately explained

Incorporates standard(s) from another content area into the lesson, but relationship to the primary standard may be somewhat superficial. Related standards may appear as more of an add-on than a thoughtful integration.

Lists any standard(s) from another content area that are meaningfully incorporated into the lesson. Describes where and how any secondary standards are incorporated into the lesson. Integration of standards is clear, appropriate, substantial, and adequately explained.
Lesson Materials and Resources

Not Present

Materials necessary for both student and teacher use are not listed

A sketchy list of student and teacher materials is provided. Worksheets are described but are not downloadable

Materials necessary for both the students and the teacher to complete the lesson are listed. Some but not all materials are available for immediate download.

All necessary materials are identified. It is clear what materials are refereed in the lesson (e.g. rather than saying “the handout,” it is referred to by name.
All worksheets and reproducible materials are available for immediate download from the lesson site.
**Prereq Knowledge/Prior Learning

must be connected to Focus & Review

Not Present

Prerequisite skills and concepts not clearly identified and/or incorrect for lesson objective

Most prerequisite skills and concepts are clearly articulated but some important skills may have been missed

Prerequisite skills and concepts are clearly articulated, complete and are correct for the stated lesson objective

Prerequisite skills and concepts are clearly articulated, complete and are correct for the stated lesson objective

Prerequisite skills and concepts taught in unit are linked or indicated

Not Present

The objective(s) is (are) imprecise or unclear or written in terms of teacher behavior, rather than student behavior

Some of the objectives are clear and some are not. Not all objectives are stated in terms of student behavior.

Each objective is stated in terms of student behavior; identifies the learning that will take place; and is measurable and observable.

Knowledge and skills being taught are clear.

Each objective is stated in terms of student behavior; identifies the learning that will take place; and is measurable and observable. Knowledge and skills being taught are clear.

At least 1 objective addresses higher order thinking skills.
Lesson Introduction
Connect to prior learning, student interests, etc. Motivates (Hooks) student interest in the topic.
Focus or Review

connect to Prerequisite Knowledge/Prior Learning

Not Present

States pre-skills rather than using questions to gauge readiness. Misses opportunity to motivate students and help them make connections to prior learning.

Individual students checked for pre-skills. Limited questions used to gauge readiness for lesson.

Background knowledge and skills key to student success in this lesson checked to gauge readiness for the lesson. Clear connections made to prior learning or knowledge. If completely new instruction, effort to motivate and engage students in new learning is obvious.

Background knowledge and skills key to student success in this lesson checked to gauge readiness for the lesson. Clear connections made to prior learning or knowledge. If completely new instruction, effort to motivate and engage students in new learning is obvious.

Plan given for what teacher can do if students are obviously not ready for lesson.

Not Present

Lacks description of class activity and the roles of teacher and students.

Poorly describes class activities, lacking what students and teacher do during the lesson in enough detail to guide other teachers.

Adequately describes class activities, including brief descriptions of what students and teacher do during the lesson.

Clearly describes class activities, including detailed descriptions of what students and teacher do during the lesson in enough detail to guide other teachers.
Essential Vocabulary

Not Present

No essential vocabulary identified

Limited attention to examples and vocabulary planned for use during the lesson

Clear indication of important vocabulary planned for use in lesson.

Critical lesson vocabulary is reviewed and explicitly highlighted or taught if needed (can link back to a previous lesson and/or have teacher review or reference Word Wall if one is included in the unit)
Lesson Body
Content Development

(Guided Practice & Independent Practice)

Not Present

Knowledge and skills lack sequential presentation. No planned examples. Lesson focuses more on an activity than on development of knowledge or skills.

Knowledge and skills are sequential.

Knowledge and skills are sequential.

Clear attempt at providing examples for students.

Knowledge and skills are presented in a sequential manner likely to facilitate student learning.

A broad range of examples and non-examples are planned.

Plan clearly indicates how teacher moves students from concrete to abstract understanding. Practice is scaffolded with the gradual removal of support.
Instructional decision-making

Not Present

Plans do not indicate when and how student understanding will be checked.

Lesson segmented to allow for student understanding to be checked.

No options included for lesson modification if needed.

Lesson segmented to allow for student understanding to be checked.

At least one check of student understanding is described and teaching option given indicating how lesson could be modified

Lesson segmented to allow for student understanding to be checked.

Frequent checks of student understanding are planned to guide instruction.

Multiple teaching options indicated in the plans as to how the lesson might be modified based upon student performance.
Lesson Closure
Closing activities

(reexamine the important points of the lesson)

Not Present

The lesson contains no closure.

Closing activities are poorly developed and done primarily by the teacher.

Closing activities are relevant to the objective and provide a clear opportunity to conduct a final check for understanding, but are done by the teacher

Closing activities are relevant to the objective and provide a clear opportunity to conduct a final check for understanding. Students are active participants.

Not Present

Assessments absent
None of the descriptions of the assessments being used are clear and complete
None of the descriptions of where, how, and when assessment takes place are clear and complete.

Few of the descriptions of the assessments being used are clear and complete
Few descriptions of where, how, and when assessment takes place are clear and complete.

Most of the descriptions of the assessments being used are clear and complete.
Assessments take place throughout the lesson.
Most descriptions of where, how, and when assessment takes place are clear and complete.

Assessments are varied and creative.

Clear and complete desc of the assessments being used (e.g., questions, performance, products, etc. including answer keys, grading rubrics, or other criteria you will use to eval whether sts have met the obj(s)).

Assessments take place throughout the lesson (not just at the end!).

Include opps for students to eval. their own work and learning.

Clearly and completely describes where, how, and when assessment takes place
Assessments tied to Standards & Obj

Not Present

Assessments do not measure student achievement of each objective

Teacher has little evidence of individual student mastery of lesson objectives

Assessment measures a single objective or standard; ignores other stated standards/objectives

Teacher has evidence regarding MOST students’ mastery of AT LEAST ONE lesson objective

Most assessments measure student achievement of each objective

Teacher has evidence regarding MOST students’ mastery of EACH lesson objective

Each assessment measures student achievement of a target lesson objective

Critical lesson objectives are measured more than once.

Teacher has evidence regarding EACH student’s mastery of EACH lesson objective.
Additional Lesson Features
Use of UDL

Universal Design for Learning

Not Present

Does not provide accommodations for diverse learning needs. Certain lesson elements may potentially create unnecessary academic or social challenges for individual learners with diverse needs or backgrounds, creating barriers to achievement for some students.

Weak attempt at UDL in either representation or expression phases of lesson but not both.

Strong use of UDL in either representation or expression phases of lesson but not both.

Does not specifically identify areas of the lesson that will help meet needs of ELL or GT learners.

Evidence of UDL in all phases of lesson plan design including teacher input (teaching strategies) and student expression of learning (assessed).

Specifically identifies areas of the lesson that will help meet needs of the following categories of special needs: ELL and GT
Technology Integration

**for required Tech lessons only

Score for Non-Tech lessons will be calculated out of

Not Present

Technology is not included

The inclusion of technology is an add-on not complimenting the lesson activities

At least one element of technology is well integrated into the lesson.

Standards from the Texas Technology Application TEKS are included in the lesson.

A variety of technology is integrated appropriately throughout the lesson in a manner that enhances the effectiveness s of the lesson and the learning of the student.

Standards from the Texas Technology Application TEKS are included in the lesson

Student accomplishment of technology skills is assessed

Not Present

7+ spelling or typos found in the lesson plan.

4-6 spelling or typos found in the lesson plan.

1-3 spelling or typos found in the lesson plan.

0 spelling errors/typos found in lesson plan.

Not Present

5+ grammar or usage errors found in lesson plan.

3-4 grammar or usage errors found in the lesson plan.

1-2 grammar or usage errors found in the lesson plan.

0 grammar or usage errors found in the lesson plan.



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