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iRubric: Historical Fiction Research Paper rubric

iRubric: Historical Fiction Research Paper rubric

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Historical Fiction Research Paper 
Research the approved topic. Submit 2-3 typed pages of publishing the results of your research. Include a Works Cited page with at least 6 printed and non-printed sources (1 book) used researching the paper. Paper will be graded on sufficiency of research to support the thesis, effective use of information gained through research, credibility of sources, and relevance of included information. Grade will be based on organization, clarity, use of transitions, appropriate voice, correct citation format, grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Rubric Code: F68A28
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Mini Research Paper
100 % Worth 200 points Total
  Not really...

up to a D or 67%
27 points

27 pts

Push it a bit more...

up to a C or 75%

30 pts

Showing promise...

up to a B- or 80%
32 points

32 pts

Somewhere in the middle...

up to a B or 85%
34 points

34 pts

Almost there...

up to an B+ or 89%
35 points

35 pts


up to an A or 100%
40 points

40 pts

25 %


Not really...

--Thesis unclear or non-existent.
--Intro/Conclusion not organized.
--Intro does not contain an opening attention-getter or give an overview of the topic.
--Both title and author missing.
--Conclusion does not summarize the main points of the essay.
Push it a bit more...

--Thesis poorly stated.
--Introduction, and conclusion lacking clarity and/or transitions.
--Intro gives a slight overview of the topic.
--Key elements still missing from intro/conclusion, such as title or author.
Showing promise...

--Thesis not quite clear.
--Some key elements missing in the intro or conclusion.
--Title or author missing.
--Overall intro or conclusion is disorganized.
Somewhere in the middle...

--Thesis clear but awkward.
--Intro/Conclusion contain most of the key elements and organization but lacks development.
--Title or author provided but not developed.
--Intro includes an attention-getter but it could be stronger.
Almost there...

--Thesis stated clearly.
--Introduction and conclusion slightly lacking clarity and/or proper formatting.
--Intro gives an overview of the topic but is slightly awkward.
--Overall, key elements are included, including attention-getter.
--Author and title provided.

--Thesis clear, interesting.
--Introduction and conclusion cover the topic and give a clear overview.
--Transitions are effectively used.
--Title and author introduced.
--Intro contains effective attention-getter.
35 %

Thesis & Support

Not really...

--Support for thesis insufficient.
--Information irrelevant, redundant or missing.
----Content does not sufficiently cover the topic or tie in with the historical fiction work.
--Information is choppy or missing with few or no transitions.
Push it a bit more...

--Support for thesis barely sufficient.
--Content is mostly unorganized and information is redundant or irrelevant to the topic sentences.
--Paragraphs contain transitions but are not used correctly or paragraph is still choppy overall.
Showing promise...

--Support for thesis is sufficient overall
--Facts are relevant but details are unorganized and need development.
--Essay has clear topic sentences but not all are supported.
--Some transitions are used or not used consistently.
Somewhere in the middle...

--Most of the content is relevant to the topic sentences.
--Overall, essay is well organized, but details need to be explained.
--Many transitions are used but some details are still choppy.
Almost there...

--Content is mostly relevant to the topic sentences.
----Support for thesis sufficient, but details could be explained a bit more.
--Overall, essay is well organized, with minor errors.
--Overall, transitions are used throughout the essay.

--Support for thesis complex, complete, & in-depth.
--Writer involved with subject.
--Clear, appropriate organization, with effective transitions.
Quality of resources
15 %


Not really...

--Little information relevant to thesis.
--Insufficient information provided to support thesis.
--Minimal to no research.
Push it a bit more...

--Source reliability questionable.
--Very little of the information researched is relevant to thesis.
--Information provided to support some elements of thesis.
--Surface research.
Showing promise...

--Some sources are questionable.
--Overall, information is relevant to the thesis but most lacks depth.
Somewhere in the middle...

--Sources are mostly reliable.
--Most information relevant to the thesis.
--Numerous details but some lack depth or sound like a listing of facts.
Almost there...

--Sources mostly reliable.
--Majority of information is relevant to thesis.
--Sufficient information provided to support most elements of thesis.
--Research of sufficent depth.

--All information relevant to thesis.
--Sufficient information provided to support all elements of thesis.
--Research in-depth and beyond the obvious, revealing new insights gained.
10 %


Not really...

-- Sources not properly cited.
-- Many errors in format or punctuation.
--No work cited page.
Push it a bit more...

--Not all sources properly cited.
--A large number of required sources missing.
Showing promise...

--Most sources properly cited.
--More than two required sources missing.
Somewhere in the middle...

--All sources properly cited.
--More than one required source missing.
Almost there...

--All sources properly cited.
-- Few errors in format or punctuation.
--One required source missing.

--All sources properly cited.
-- Almost zero or no errors in format or punctuation.
--Required number of sources provided.
Grammar and Mechanics
15 %

Spelling & punctuation
Mechanics & grammar

Not really...

-- Voice inconsistent and/or inappropriate.
-- Ineffective word choice.
--Numerous spelling errors.
--Numerous errors in agreement, pronouns, or tense.
-- Numerous punctuation or capitalization errors.
--Essay clearly was not proofread for mistakes.
Push it a bit more...

-- Voice somewhat inconsistent and appropriate.
-- Some incorrect word choice.
--Several spelling errors.
--Several errors in agreement, pronouns, or tense.
-- Several punctuation or capitalization errors.
--Essay shows some evidence of editing, but many mistakes still exist.
Showing promise...

--Voice somewhat consistent and appropriate.
--Overall, correct word choice.
--Essay is written in third person but occasionally refers directly to essay (i.e., "This essay is about...")
Somewhere in the middle...

--Overall, essay reads well but lacks consistency in terms of grammar and punctuation and verb tense.
--Essay shows evidence of having been proofread. but some mistakes were overlooked.
Almost there...

-- Voice mostly consistent and appropriate.
-- Fairly effective word choice.
--Few spelling errors.
--Few errors in agreement, pronouns, or tense.
-- Minor punctuation or capitalization errors.
--Essay shows evidence of having been proofread.

--Consistent and appropriate voice.
-- Sophisticated and precise word choice.
--Few to no spelling errors.
--Few to no errors in agreement, pronouns, or tense.
-- Few to no punctuation or capitalization errors.
--Essay demonstrates careful attention to editing and proofreading.

  • Research paper - emphasis on relevance of research


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